
作者: 欣然小时光 | 来源:发表于2021-12-15 15:43 被阅读0次

    Shower before you go in the pool. 进泳池前,要先冲一下身体。
    Clean up and change into your swimming suit. 洗干净之后,换上泳装。
    Don't forget your swim cap and goggles, either. 也不要忘记你的泳帽和蛙镜。
    Go to the restroom before getting into the pool. 进泳池前,先去上厕所。
    Did you stretch? 你做伸展操了吗?
    I'll inflate your inner tube. 我会帮你的游泳圈灌气。
    Be careful since the floor is slippery. 地板很滑,要小心。
    Don't go into the deep end of the pool. 不要去泳池深处的一端。
    Please don't dive. 请不要跳水。
    Try not to splash water on others. 试着不要让水溅到其他人。
    Don't goof around in the pool. 不要在泳池内胡闹。
    Don't make loud noises in the pool. 不要在泳池内制造噪音。
    Don't swim right after you eat. 刚吃完,不可以马上游戏。
    Go in a little later. 等一下再进去。
    Don't stay in the water for too long. 不要在水里待太久。
    Your lips are blue.Stay warm for a minute. 你的嘴唇变蓝了。先暖一下身体。
    Let me dry you off with a towel. 我用毛巾帮你擦干。
    Mom will stick around in the pool area. 妈妈会在泳池附近。
    The sun's rays are very strong. Put some sunscreen on.这太阳光太强了。擦些防晒霜吧。
    Do I have to put on sunscreen? 我一定要擦防晒霜吗?
    I don't want to put any sunscreen on. 我不想擦防晒霜。
    It's sticky. 这黏黏的。
    Let's remove the air from your inner tube. 我们把游泳圈内的气漏掉吧。
    Dry yourself off before you go into the changing room.你进更衣室之前,要先擦掉身体。



