- light comes from a light source and either enters ours eyes directly or indirectly, after reflecting off something.
- colors with short wavelengths bend more than colors with long wavelengths.this explains why red light bends less than yellow light.the reason is because its wavelength is longer. of the visible colors, violet light has the shortest wavelength, so it bends the most.
- a prism separates light into (its component colors) different colors because each color has a different wavelength.
- besides the sun, any object that produces its own light is a direct light source.
- this clearly demonstrated that/ this explains why
- if you have ever painted, you know that different colors can be combined to create new colors./light is composed of many different colors
- mixing three primary colors create a tertiary(三级) color such as brown or gray./secondery
- in china red is associated with fire, energy and good fortune.
- some colors have even been associated with changes in blood pressure.
- colors are wonderful to look at, but they affect people in ways besides sight. they have a powerful effect on how people feel and behave.

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