【汉化】YEP.187 – Disable Auto Shado

【汉化】YEP.187 – Disable Auto Shado

作者: 沧笙 | 来源:发表于2019-06-09 22:46 被阅读0次

RPG Maker MV automatically has shadows coming from certain wall tiles. There is no way to turn them off by default. A plugin did come with the DLC pack but it also turned off all shadows regardless. This plugin lets you decide whether or not you want shadows to be on or off by default as well as give you control over whether or not you want to enable/disable shadows for very specific maps and/or tilesets.

RPG Maker MV会自动从图块墙砖中添加阴影。默认情况下无法关闭它们。这个插件可让您决定是否要打开或关闭阴影,并且你可以设定特定的地图或图块启用或禁用阴影



      本文标题:【汉化】YEP.187 – Disable Auto Shado
