2023-06-10 AI学二句英语

2023-06-10 AI学二句英语

作者: 简洁的书写 | 来源:发表于2023-06-09 23:38 被阅读0次

ME:   I   want to talk with you about yùndòng

AI:   Sure, I'd be happy to chat with you about yùndòng. For those who may not be familiar, yùndòng translates to "sports" in English. What would you like to discuss about sports?

ME:  I want to discuss how to warm up before exercise.

AI:  Ah, I see! Warming up before exercising is very important to prevent injury. Some good ways to warm up include doing some light cardio, like jogging in place or jumping jacks, and stretching the muscles you'll be using during your exercise. Do you have any favorite warm-up exercises?

ME: My  favorite warm-up exercises  is jogging。

AI:That's a great choice! Jogging is an excellent way to warm up before exercise. You could start with a slow jog for a few minutes to get your muscles warmed up, and gradually increase your speed as you go. Just be sure to listen to your body and take it easy if you start to feel tired or out of breath. And remember to stretch your muscles after your jog to help prevent injury and reduce soreness!


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      本文标题:2023-06-10 AI学二句英语
