从二零一六年九月三号踏进桂林医学院到今天二零一六年十月三十一号已经接近两个月。 刚从高考的战场懵懵懂懂地走进大学,...
如果你见过我曾经的样子,那么你一定会惊艳我现在的模样。 一、大学宿舍篇 人们永远无法理解我作为一个伪学霸生活在学霸...
Three and a half years ago, I was glad to be a college st...
[My last summary of my learning experience of college Eng...
My College Life, My Goal When I was a childre...
And their eyes glazed over My college students are never ...
IN the spring of 2004, during my senior year of college, ...
As we end this life of study in high school, we suppose w...
本文标题:My college