Chapter 9

作者: 天天__ | 来源:发表于2020-08-04 22:53 被阅读0次

Employ 使忙碌

Entreaty 乞求  恳求

mix more in 更多融入

showery 阵雨的

south-westerly 同south-west

felicity 幸福  恰当

driving 猛烈的(雨、雪等)

set full in one's face

描写威洛比:in a manner so frank and so graceful that his person, which was uncommonly handsome, received additional charms from his voice and expression.

gallantry 勇敢  对女子的殷勤

becoming 相配的;合适的

Her imagination was busy, her reflections were pleasant, and the pain of a sprained ankle was disregarded.

incommode 妨碍

wit 机智  才智  玩笑话

Settle one’s cap at 女子企图赢得男子的爱情

Conquest 爱情的俘虏

Make a conquest 赢得爱情


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