
作者: WarmIcer | 来源:发表于2020-07-11 09:53 被阅读0次


    1、What about a person?
    You have to look at the whole landscape.
    A painting is more than the sum of its parts; a cow by itself is just a cow; a meadow by itself is just grass, flowers and the sun peeking through the trees is just a beam of light. But you put them together and it can be magic.





    但是这棵树最终因为某个原因要被砍掉,当时女孩就在树上,她抗争,她反对,她只想保留下来这棵树,保留自己心中的希望和美好。但是她最终还是向现实低头,毕竟这棵树不是她家的,父亲用It's time.(应该)劝说她下来。


    2、You can't condemn him for something he hasn't done.

    3、Some of us get dipped in flat, some in satin, some in gloss. But every once in a while you will find someone who's iridescent. And when you do, nothing will ever compare.


    <img src="../image/阿丽塔:战斗天使海报.jpg" title="阿丽塔" alt="阿丽塔:战斗天使" width=600px/>



    这个电视剧实在是太厉害了,集合了很多的元素:sex、guy、love、affection、friendship、family education、human rights、religion and so on...

    Something said by the actors and actresses

    1、In ten years’ time, I want to live in a house with big windows. I want the house to be large enough to have a kitchen table with four chairs, but not too roomy to ever feel the depth of my aloneness. Because I’ll probably be alone. But I think aloneness won’t feel so all-consuming with windows that protect me from the world but still let me watch it.
    2、When you do something wrong? Please take a deep breath and say the first word appears in your mind. This way is to share the true emothion in your mind with others.
    3、Hey, Meave. I know you can't answer this right now because I'm watching you on live TV. But I wanted you to know how proud of you I am. And how unbelievably stupid I've been. You telling me you had feelings for me was all I wanted to hear, and I was so caught up in trying to do the right thing, I lost track of what that actually is. It's you. It's always been you. I love you Meave.
    4、You know, when you're young you think that everybody out there really gets you. But, you know, actually, only a handful of them do. All the people who like you, despite your faults. And then if you discard them, they will never come back. So, when you meet those people, you should just hold on to them. Really, really tighty. And don't let them go.
    5、No one's ever said I was their friend before.
    6、When you love a person, there's always a tiny part of you that's terrified that one day you're gonna lose them. And I think your father's scared of that emotion that he stops himself feeling anything at all. But you have to let the people you love know that you love them, even if it causes you a great deal of pain.
    -why? It sounds awlful.
    -Beacause you're alive.


    性是人的一生不可缺少的东西,不仅仅是为了繁衍,也是为了让自己和异性之间有了关系的粘合剂。不仅仅是异性,还有同性——guy and lily。正确认识性对人的发展有很好的帮助。不良的性会让人产生不良的身体反应,甚至是堕落。
    剧中主角Otis是一个性自卑的男孩,这源自于幼年父亲的出轨。女主Maeve是一个性开放的少女,因为家庭环境的影响,不仅让她有心理上的自卑,还有使用性来解放自己。Eric,一个典型的同性恋以及Cosplayer,因为自己的身份或者是因为自己曾经有过不好的公开展示让自己感到自己与众不同,始终寻找着和自己一样的同性恋,但是却总是找不到,中间被一群strong guies强奸一度低迷最终从一位算得上是成功人士的Cosplayer身上找回自我,最终收获单方面的爱情却不了了之。另外,他很少说出自己的想法。Adam,一个因为自己的身世——父亲是校长以及自己的身体与众不同(过于庞大)而自卑的恶习男孩,失去爱情的同时也失去了以往的快乐,最后变为guy也是不得已。

    杂谈Something not important


    在Otis的聚会上,Otis羞辱了前女友Ola和Maeve,并说出和她们永远绝交。Otis当众说了Maeve是一个自私的,喜欢玩弄别人的感情的人。梅芙觉得很生气,很失望,她觉得是时候把所有的精力都放在自己的身上,不再去让自己的生活被别人干预。之后,喝醉的Otis和炫金女郎Ruby had sex。在学校传出去之后,Maeve还是很在意的,虽然得到好友Aimes所说的只是喝醉了而已的解释,但是她似乎并不是很释怀。

    Normal People 普通人


    1、the dialog between Conell and Marianne.
    -Don't promise that. You don't know where either of us will be or what will happen.
    -I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you.
    -No, that's truth. You'd be somewhere else entirely. You'd be a different person. And me, too. But we have done so much good for one another.
    -You know I love you. And I'm never going to feel the same way for anyone else.
    -I know.


    Something Just Like This


    Normal People真的是在讲Normal People吗?在很多人眼中,正常人只不过是和绝大部分的人一样,可是真的是这样吗?追求和别人一样只不过是进行某种外在行为的复制,这种复制不仅仅是把外在同化,并且逐渐地,内心也认为是这样。有的时候孤独不是一个人,哪怕是身在一群人中你也是孤独的,因为你并没有一个真的懂你、愿意和你分享的人陪伴在你的身边。

    灿烂人生 The best of Youth

    from Italian
    Record the huge change of the Italian society from 1996 to 2003


    The family members are Fiona, Lip, Ian,

    1、The Dialog between and Fiona.
    -You must get sick of having to think for everybody.
    -Well, at least I can. Proves I'm wanted.
    -Jesus, Fiona, if all you want is to be needed then, congratulations. You've got yourself a job for life with this joker.

    --Fiona is who?

    2、The Dialog between Fiona and Steve
    -So you were watching her, who's a lot better looking than me.
    -You think so? Really?
    -Yes, so how come you're not stalking Jenna?
    -Because you, you think like that and Jenna doesn't. Jenna danced for everybody. You dance like there's no one else in the room. Your life is not simple, Fiona, and you cannot stop it from showing because you're no fake. You're not list, you don't need finding. This whole sity belongs to the Jennas, but I'm sick of them. I swear, Fiona, you're nothing like anyone I've ever met. You make me want to enjoy my life again. Are you there?

    3、life is messy and people has secrect.


    5、The Dialog between Fiona and Lip
    -I don't wannat to be another Frank or Monica.
    -Nobody's saying that you are.
    -I'm not finishing for a pep talk. I just... I don't know me any more. I mean, since clearly I'm not the big sister taking care of everyone.
    -Maybe that's good.
    -Well, because there's no more to you than that.
    -Yeah. Fiona the criminal.
    -I'm serious. You know, you've always been there for us. and I think we've taken it for granted. You konw, I konw I have. And then you're going through some shit, and I turn my back. It's bullshit. I'm sorry.



