[Summary] [Toastmaster CC1] The

作者: 毛英勇 | 来源:发表于2016-04-16 03:52 被阅读309次

    [Note] [Toastmaster CC1] The Ice Breaker


    4-6 minutes

    (1) Content

    introduce yourself to your fellow club members.

    give the information about your background, interests and ambitions.

    must narrow it by selecting three or four interesting aspects of your life

            that will give your fellow club members insight and understanding of you as an individual.

    (2) Skill

    1.practice giving your speech to friends or family members.

      The best way to begin your speaking experience is to talk about a familiar subject—yourself.

    2.strive to make eye contact with your audience.

    3.use notes card to help for remember the content.

      a key word for each part,

      writing just the key words on one note card.

    (3) Construction

    1.opening & closing

    A memorized beginning and ending enable you to start and finish your talk with confidence and ease.

    interesting opening that captures the audience’s attention.

    a good closing.


    You should make a point,

                     say it again in different words,

                     illustrate the point,

                     and then state it once more in order to be clearly understood.


    (4) Prepare

    practice, audio record, ask audience’s comments


    Using a recording is one of the best ways to improving your speaking ability.

    Don’t be afraid of the audience.

    Appearance is important.

    Be well-groomed and appropriately dressed for your presentation.

    (5) Presente

    relax, don’t nervous.


    put this nervous energy to work for you

        by using it to add excitement to your delivery.

    take a deep breath and slowly exhale.

    make eye contact with various members of the audience.

    Don’t worry about what to do with your hands.



        本文标题:[Summary] [Toastmaster CC1] The
