『Games』懂你英语Level 3 Unit 1 Part 2

『Games』懂你英语Level 3 Unit 1 Part 2

作者: 慕炜菡容 | 来源:发表于2019-03-08 15:28 被阅读0次


    1. After her nap, she felt a bit better.

    Q: How did she feel after a nap?

    She felt a bit better.

    2. She paid him for the food, and then they ate dinner.

    Q: What did they do after paying for the food?

    They ate dinner.

    『Games』懂你英语Level 3 Unit 1 Part 2

    3. The food was good and not very expensive.

    Q: What did they think of the food?

    The food was good and not very expensive.

    4. After eating breakfast, they got back into their car.

    Q: What did they do after eating breakfast?

    They got back into their car.

    5. Fortunately, Kim's English is excellent, so he can play the role.

    Q: How good is Kim's English?

    Her English is excellent.

    6. If the meeting goes well, she’ll be in a Hollywood movie.

    Q: What will happen if the meeting goes well?

    She'll be in a Hollywood movie.

    7. Kim is a popular Korean actress.

    Q: What does Kim do?

    She is an actress.

    8. She met the movie’s director last year. He came to Korea and saw her latest movie.

    Q: Who came to Korea and saw her latest movie?

    the movie's director

    『Games』懂你英语Level 3 Unit 1 Part 2

    9. Because of the Earth’s rotation, the Earth is divided into time zones.

    Q: Why is the Earth divided into time zones?

    It rotates.

    Listen to the audio and click the right picture:
    『Games』懂你英语Level 3 Unit 1 Part 2

    1. The triangle is around the square.

    2. The rectangle is on the right of the circle.

    3. The circle is between two small squares.

    『Games』懂你英语Level 3 Unit 1 Part 2

    4. The longest line is the one on the top.

    『Games』懂你英语Level 3 Unit 1 Part 2

    5. What is usually the hot season?

    6. What is usually the cold season?


    Click the right answer according to the picture:
    『Games』懂你英语Level 3 Unit 1 Part 2

    1. These two people are meeting for the first time. They are shaking hands.

    2. The woman in the green dress is dancing with her boyfriend.

    3. Many people come to work here during the week.

    4. As a result, she overslept.

    5. I'm sorry to be late. I'll be there as fast as I can.

    6. This morning the traffic wss much worse than usual.

    7. In his dream, something is chasing him, so he is running as fast as he can.

    8. The shortest line is the one in the middle.

    9. The longest line is the one on the top.

    Fill in the blanks according to the picture:
    『Games』懂你英语Level 3 Unit 1 Part 2

    1. Many people come to work here during the week.

    2. I'll be there as fast as I can.

    3. Weddings are where two people get married.

    4. He is looking out the window of his tour bus.

    5. For many animals, new life begins in the spring.

    6. Spring is the season when the weather gets warmer each day.


    Repeat Sentences:

    1. The circle is around the triangle.

    2. He didn't go to bed until 12:00.

    3. The square is inside the triangle.

    『Games』懂你英语Level 3 Unit 1 Part 2

    4. He decided to use her in his new movie.

    5. These people are having a meeting.

    6. The movie's story will take place in the future.

    7. The sky is turning red.

    8. There was a car accident near the airport.

    9. The longest line is the one on the top.

    Read Sentences:
    『Games』懂你英语Level 3 Unit 1 Part 2

    1. When you travel east or west, you may cross several time zones.

    2. The time of day depends on your location on the planet.

    3. Europe and the US are separated by several time zones.

    4. The shirt on the right is less expensive than the shirt on the left.

    5. The shirt on the left is more expensive than the shirt on the right.

    6. The shirt on the left isn't as expensive as the one on the right.

    Role Play
    『Games』懂你英语Level 3 Unit 1 Part 2

    What’s the matter? Why do you look so sad?

    Ada has a new job. She’s going to Beijing.

    Really? When is she leaving?

    She’s leaving at the end of next week.

    That soon?

    Yes, she just told me.

    That’s too bad. I really enjoy working with her.

    Me too. I’m going to miss her. Let’s have a going away party for her.

    Good idea. How about this weekend?

    Friday evening would be better. We can have it after work.

    Yes, Friday is better.

    Let’s go to her favorite restaurant, OK?

    Which one? The Italian one, or the German one?

    The Italian one has better food, so let’s go there. Their pizzas areawesome.

    OK, I’ll make the reservations.

    Let me check with Ada first. We don’t want her to miss her party.

    Yeah, that’s for sure. And could you please invite everyone in the office?

    Sure, no problem. Nobody will want to miss it.



          本文标题:『Games』懂你英语Level 3 Unit 1 Part 2
