流利说 D24 2018-06-30 六

流利说 D24 2018-06-30 六

作者: 西特西 | 来源:发表于2018-06-30 20:27 被阅读8次

周五有打卡 D23



Listening-"An Unusual Day"?



Listening-"Paul's Overseas Trip 1"

1、One reason for the trip was for business.

2、He enjoys traveling and he wanted to visit some friends.

3、His passport was going to expire.

4、In order to apply for a visa, he needed his new passport.

5、It took more than an hour to submit his application.

6、After (applying) for a new passport it took two weeks to get it.

7、There were a couple of reasons for the trip.

8、He needed a visa to enter China.

9、Before leaving on the trip, Paul had several problems.

10、He was surprised by how many people were applying for visas.

11、There was a notice saying that the consulate would be closed that day.

12、The information was posted on

13、Paul was angry at himself for not checking the Consulate's website.

14、He filled out an application form and stood in a long line.

15、He had six weeks to get everything done.

16、As a result, Paul had to come back the next Monday.

17、He had six weeks to get everything done.

18、Once he got the passport, he applied for a visa.

19、Paul failed to get a visa because the Consulate is closed on weekends.

20、He submitted his application for the visa on a Friday.
21、 A week later he went back to the consulate to pick up his visa.
22、To his surprise, when he got there, the consulate was closed.
23、The consulate was closed because it was a Chinese holiday.

24、On its website the consulate's schedule was posted.

25、He submitted his application for the visa on a Friday.

26、There was a notice saying that the consulate would be closed that day.


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      本文标题:流利说 D24 2018-06-30 六
