

作者: Ivysnow | 来源:发表于2018-01-05 17:53 被阅读18次
  1. 保持口腔卫生 Keep my mouth clean

  2. 保持口腔不生病keep my mouth free of disease

  3. 保持口腔没有口臭之类的问题 keep my mouth free of the problems like bad breath

  4. 保持口腔不生病,也没有其他诸如口臭之类的问题 。Keep my mouth free of disease and other problems like bad breath

  5. 保持口腔清洁,不生病,也没有其他诸如口臭之类的问题Keep my mouth clean,free of disease and other problems like bad breath.

  6. 液体牙膏 liquid gel toothpaste

  7. 多效 Multi – benefit toothpaste

  8. 炫白牙膏Blast(/ blɑːst/ 爆炸)whitening toothpaste

  9. 消除口气Remove bad breath

  10. 我的牙龈流血My gums(/gʌm/牙龈)are bleeding

  11. 杀死导致口臭的细菌Kill the germs that cause bad breath

  12. 漱口水。mouthwash

  13. 冰爽薄荷味Icy mint(薄荷)flavor (/ˈfleɪvə/,味,味道)

  14. 刷牙brush your teeth

  15. 用牙线清洁牙齿。clean between your teeth with dental floss

It’s not enough to brush your teeth twice a day if you want your breath to be more than passable. And we all know about flossing(/flɒs/用牙线洁牙), going to the dentist, having a vampiric (/'væmprik/吸血鬼)aversion (/ə'vɜːʃ(ə)n/ 讨厌)to garlic, and Binaca spray (/spreɪ/喷雾) . All suitable solutions to fighting halitosis(/ˌhælɪ'təʊsɪs/口臭), oh course. But no man should have to compromise (/'kɒmprəmaɪz/放弃)his oral hygiene fixations(/fɪk'seɪʃ(ə)n/定位), taste palette(/'pælɪt/调色板) or personal time to maintain kissable breath.


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