Candy-flavoured smokes for kids
be hailed as 被歌颂为……
打车 hail a taci/cab
健康的风险 health risks
采取措施 step up efforts to do sth.
禁言 a ban on smoking
开展 be rolled out
设置限制 apply restrictions
获得流行 gain popularity/ be widespread
意识到吸烟危险 awareness of tabacco's danger
被认为是一种……的方式/用来做某事 be seen as a way to do
对……兴趣不大 show little interest in
普通香烟 regular cigeratte
入门设备 a starter kit
花费200元 cost around 200yuan
烟民 daily smokers
不规范 be irregulated
是市场的趋势 be markerted as trendy
笔挺的西装 sharp suits
高科技设备 high-tech settings
背离了…… is not primarily as aids for
是主要业务 remain mainstay
电子烟广告由温文尔雅、穿着时髦套装的硬汉(通常是外国人)和充满了现代化和高科技气息的场景构成,打着“我是传奇” 之类的口号,使用“北狼”一类的商标名。
Adverts depict suave, macho (usually foreign) men in sharp suits in modern, high-tech settings, with slogans such as "I am legend" and brand names like North Wolf.
Though the share of smokers is stable, the number of tobacco users continues to rise in China , as does the average number of cigarettes smoked.
第一段 引出背景,中国烟民并不兴趣电子烟(show little interest in the produst)
第二段 通过与国外流行电子烟对比,说明中国烟民不兴趣电子烟的原因之一:价格
第三段 中国政府的戒烟措施
第四段 电子烟的股票份额仍然是少的,但是未来五年可能增多
第五段 是否应该效仿国外对电子烟市场
第六段 电子烟是市场的趋势
第七段 烟民正在不断上涨