

作者: scot0714 | 来源:发表于2015-05-25 18:53 被阅读102次

After reading The globalization of tourism and Excerpt from THE POLITICS OF TRAVEL by David Nicholson-Lord, I learnt the tourism industry has been growing fast as many expected before. Along with the growth came some severe problems especially for the environment, and the key solution probably lie in attitude convert, from product- and profits-oriented to people- and places-oriented.

Here are some of my findings and thoughts.

European and American seem to be the intercontinental travelling manias while the destinations of European people’s travelling is much more varied including Africa in 1997 and Middle East in 2020.

Economic and cultural prosperity is the dynamic for tourism. People want to experience different culture from their own and the development of their own culture could provide them with open mind and curiosity which are necessary for intercontinental adventure, and the economic prosperity enables people to travel abroad. Besides, a stable society can be the icing on the cake.

When it comes to the negative sides of tourism, I take the stand of doing nothing particular. The eco-system has the ability to regulate itself and some travelers aware the importance of eco-friendly travelling while some do not, yet that is the root of balance.


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