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《给外国友人简介广西 in English 》

《给外国友人简介广西 in English 》

作者: Travel_Advisor | 来源:发表于2023-05-22 14:03 被阅读0次

Welcome to visit Guangxi Province

  Plan your Guangxi Tour? Guangxi is a provincial level region officially known as Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region." Zhuang" is the largest minority group in China, now making up over 30% of the population in Guangxi, hence the name of “Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region"given to the former Guangxi Province, Guangxi is located in the southern China, adjacent to Vietnam in the south.

    Guangxi is one of the most beautiful provinces in China: karst scenery in Guilin and Yangshuo biking or hiking through the primeval villages and lush valleys; Detian Waterfall that separates China and Vietnam feeling the grand and mighty cascades ;the magnificent Chengyang Wind and Rain Bridge, being amazed by the ancient people's engineering feat; Huangtao ancient town-immersing yourself in the ancient traditional architecture and Guangxi's star attractions list could be on and on.



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    本文标题:《给外国友人简介广西 in English 》
