

作者: 歸鶴樓主 | 来源:发表于2020-01-20 21:52 被阅读0次

@阿布 ,We always think that the wisdom lies in the distance so we must do our best to pursue it by reading gurus’ books, by joining some spiritual organizations, by establishing faiths in particular teachings, by sitting in particular gestures and repeating some words... Actually it is only the knowledge that is accumulated bit by bit by above means,  and when we search for wisdom in that way, we just convert the wisdom into knowledge.

All above-mentioned means are only part of our relationship, and not necessarily the best part. Any teaching by a guru will not act as a mirror for you to reflect on yourself if you just regard it as knowledge and absorb it into your brain, however valuable it may be. For this reason, K always reminded his audience of never taking notes during the talk, and just learning the true listening.

When we are in confusion in the life, this so-called confusion is exactly the mirror the life offers to you. In other words, if you search for any solution from gurus, from sacred books, from any we-chat group... that will be an escape from the confusion. It is only when you go into silence, observe your confusion and finally become aware that the confusion will reveal itself spontaneously. The gurus, sacred books, WeChat groups... can never give you a direct answer to the confusion, instead, what they can do at most is only to show you how to observe yourselves passively, choicelessly in silence.  If somebody give you an immediate and exiting solution to your confusion, BE CAREFUL and check if that is only a soother giving your a cover-up, an escape and some kind of temporary satisfaction accordingly.




K:So there is the superficial awareness of the tree, the bird, the door, and there is the response to that, which is thought, feeling, emotion. Now when we become aware of this response, we might call it a second depth of awareness. There is the awareness of the rose, and the awareness of the response to the rose. Often we are unaware of this response to the rose. In reality it is the same awareness which sees the rose and which sees the response. It is one movement and it is wrong to speak of the outer and inner awareness. When there is a visual awareness of the tree without any psychological involvement there is no division in relationship. But when there is a psychological response to the tree, the response is a conditioned response, it is the response of past memory, past experiences, and the response is a division in relationship. This response is the birth of what we shall call the "me" in relationship and the "non-me". This is how you place yourself in relationship to the world. This is how you create the individual and the community. The world is seen not as it is, but in its various relationships to the "me" of memory. This division is the life and the flourishing of everything we call our psychological being, and from this arises all contradiction and division. Are you very clear that you perceive this? When there is the awareness of the tree there is no evaluation. But when there is a response to the tree, when the tree is judged with like and dislike, then a division takes place in this awareness as the "me" and the "non-me", the "me" who is different from the thing observed. This "me" is the response, in relationship, of past memory, past experiences. Now can there be an awareness, an observation of the tree, without any judgement, and can there be an observation of the response, the reactions, without any judgement? In this way we eradicate the principle of division, the principle of "me" and "non-me", both in looking at the tree and in looking at ourselves.


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