Lousy Leaders糟糕的领导者
All of the above will create a road map that guides you toward excellent improvisational leadership. However, I’m sure it comes as no shock when I tell you that there are some less-than-inspiring leaders out there working off of very different maps. This begs the question,what makes a bad boss? What leadership traits are guaranteed to demotivate, demoralize, deflate, and drive a potentially great team into disastrous decline? Perhaps it is best to walk you through ten lousy leadership attributes by way of a narrative.
A lifelong resident of Anytown, USA, Johnny C. wants to play a part in the town’s upcoming bicentennial celebration. To divide and conquer this monumental event, the town’s mayor has formed a bunch of subcommittees. In the past Johnny has served on other town committees that were dysfunctional and ineffective. One was led by a “Buddy,” who tried so hard to befriend everyone on his team that he was unable to serve the needs of the project. Johnny has also had experience working for a Grinch—a leader who was heartless and only interested in self-gain. Johnny knows his committee experience this time will largely be determined by the quality of the committee leader he works under. So he shops around.
约翰尼·C(Johnny C.)是美国Anytown的终身居民,他希望在该镇即将举行的百年纪念活动中发挥作用。为了划分和征服这一重大事件,该镇的市长组成了许多小组委员会。过去,约翰尼曾在其他运作不佳且效率低下的镇委员会任职。一个是由“好友”领导的,他努力地与团队中的每个人成为朋友,以至于他无法满足项目的需求。约翰尼(Johnny)也曾为格林奇(Grinch)工作,他是一个无情的领导者,只对自我增益感兴趣。Johnny知道这次他的委员会经验将在很大程度上取决于他所工作的委员会领导的素质。所以他货比三家。
First John thinks about joining the parade committee. However, the man he’ll have to directly report to is a “Yes, but-er.” It is hard for John to tell if this guy is unaware of his actions or if he knows and just doesn’t care. Regardless this man has not embraced the notion that mindfulness and the self-audit matter. He says “Yes, but . . . ” without understanding that the framing of his language makes a difference in collaboration, ideation, engagement, relationship building, and influence.
In fact this man says “Yes, but” even when he means “Yes, and”and simply does not recognize the effect his language has on others.Believing he would not have the opportunity to bring value to this team, Johnny looks to join another committee.
So John takes a look at the decorations committee, where he’d have to work with a leader who is perpetually negative and low energy and who chooses to shine a light only on flaws. If something turns out right, ol’ Aunty Poopie Panties feels compelled to point out that it could have been done better. Believing his internal flame would be extinguished by her, Johnny C. looks to join another committee.
因此,约翰看了一看装饰委员会,他必须与一位永远消极而精力低落的领导者一起工作,而他选择只对瑕疵发光。如果发现正确的话,“阿姨普比内裤”被迫指出可以做得更好。约翰尼·C(Johnny C.)相信自己的内在火焰会被扑灭,因此她希望加入另一个委员会。
John thinks about the food and beverage committee; however, the man running this group is a true Dr. Know-It-All, an individual who has never heard a good idea that couldn’t be dismissed in favor of his “better” idea. Often you can hear this man profess that it is his job to say no, claiming a role of high status and judging the decisions of others without collaborating or contributing to the team in any meaningful way. He has no problem highlighting his own achievements, accolades, and rank. He is driven by ego, pride, and arrogance.Left unchecked he becomes a tyrant, and nobody wants to work for a tyrant.On to the next committee!
The entertainment committee is right up Johnny’s alley, except that team is run by a passive-aggressive leader. She never actually says no; instead she plays the role of the victim or the martyr and looks to manipulate other people by using the emotions, goals, or actions of others to get what she wants. She’s been known to bait people on to her team with the promise of helping or giving a gift, only to refocus her energy—once you come in—with what she really wants (from you) all along. Johnny has seen this approach horribly divide a team by quietly sowing discontent.
A little frustrated, John approaches the “kids corner,” wherein the leader of this committee questions everything. What she considers to be “ways to get at the heart of an issue” are actually interrogation tactics. The ultimate result of questions delivered relentlessly over time is that everyone coming up with ideas begins to feel the Question Lady is really questioning the value of the person rather than the value of the idea itself. This too is not the right team for Johnny .
Growing more discontented, he tries to set a quick meeting with the booths and vendors committee head, who puts him off. On sniffing around a bit, John realizes this leader is a Stone-Waller who just waits. And waits. And waits—which is followed by excuses for not making decisions. This “leader” simply doesn’t understand that not making a decision is the decision to not make a decision.
Now disgruntled, Johnny aims to join the last committee, the one in charge of the after-hours party! It’s easy to connect with this leader,as she quickly makes herself accessible. However, she talks a mile a minute and doesn’t take time to consider what Johnny, or anyone else, is saying. Perhaps this is due to too much caffeine or unchecked ADHD, but she is a Freight Train and the concept of “Thinking Slow to Move Fast” is lost on her—and so is Johnny.
Depressed and discouraged but not completely deterred, John aims to talk to the big boss, the mayor, for some inspirational leadership;however, the mayor is a LINO—a Leader in Name Only. To date he has provided absolutely no guidance or support. Perhaps due to his schedule this leader has a “dead bolt” policy, in which he insists he has an open door but keeps that door shut at all times. He claims to prize creativity and innovation but when he actually is available to connect,he just continues to demand that the same old things be done in the same way they’ve always been done. His words say one thing and his actions scream something else.
No doubt he will take all the credit for success at this event and absolutely no responsibility or accountability for the current struggles and challenges. This approach to leadership can be so pulseless, mindless, and lacking in energy that one deadly bite spreads apathy, a zombie-like apocalypse, throughout the workplace.
Now completely dejected, Johnny C. packs up his bags and moves to a competing town (Anyville, USA) where the people value his contributions. He is now the head of the party committee there and has avoided all the traits of the horrible leaders he has known. As a result Anyville is thriving, and is known far and wide for its great parties.
现在,Johnny C.完全沮丧,收拾行装,搬到一个竞争的小镇(美国,Anyville),人们珍视他的贡献。他现在是那里的党委委员长,回避了他所认识的可怕领导人的所有特征。结果,Anyville蓬勃发展,并以其伟大的政党而闻名。