EOS富豪俱乐部(eos rich club)是什么?_腾讯视频

区块链的出现,本质就是为了解决这个世界不平等的问题,去中心化的理念也在逐步的被淡化,EOS Rich Club的创立也是在致力于改善这个问题 我们呼吁更多的人可以加入我们
The emergence of block chain, in essence, is to solve the issue of inequality in this world. The idea of decentration is gradually being weakened. The establishment of EOS Rich Club is also dedicated to improving this issue. We call for more people to join us.
这是一个开源的自治社区,它不受任何人的控制 我们试图用自己的方式让世界变得更加美好
This is an autonomous open source community; it can’t be controlled by anyone. We try to make the world finer with our own ways.
EOS Rich Club是开源软件和链上合约的发布者,我们通过对冲交易合约,为用户带来良好体验感的同时,还可以赚取可观的收益。当然,每笔对冲交易合约都是独立的,当你激活合约之后,系统会自动执行订单,这也是我们的订单无法合并的原因。
The EOS Rich Club is the issuer of open source software and contracts on the chain. While we bring good experience to users, we can also earn considerable returns through hedging transaction contracts. Of course each hedging transaction contract is independent. After you activate the contract, the system will automatically implement orders, which is also why our orders can’t be combined.

We are really standing in the forefront of hedging transactions. The core of eos block chain is the large-scale scalability and the transaction of data safety. The future business layout will also be rearranged in these new tracts, so I think I feel proud to participate in this revolutionary cause in this time.
The accuracy and rapidness of data collection
Parameter preset of hedging transactions
API terminal performing encryption
Transparent income distribution

Decentration of encrypted asset management
The building and planning of Dapp makes us become more steadfast in the course of the community decentration autonomy idea with the goal of long-term planning.
The first reason for why I like the work here and why I’m here is that I like interesting issues to be solved. And here is the best platform, particularly after a lot of people participated in, we found things that we least anticipated before, which also makes us get better and better.
我们也是开源上链的践行者 ,通过EOS底层技术,在ERCT上实现了新的突破 为了更好的服务用户
We are also practitioners of the on the open source chain. In order to better serve users, we have realized new breakthroughs in ERCT with EOS underlying technology.
我们已经确定了 各个行业之间的需求类型的差异性 从他们对区块链平台的期望 我们可以在同一时间提供服务 你会说我在试图解决这个问题 在合约代码时间和空间的高可伸缩性 事实上我们真的做到了
We have identified differences of the demand types among industries. We can provide services in the same time from what they expect in the block chain platform. You might say that I try to solve this issue, which is the high scalability in time and space of the contract code, but actually we really did it.
如果你想创建一个交易合约为用户使用,你不能等10多分钟 一个小时 为了确认我们需要 极大地提高绩效 使各方利益一致 如果我们能做到这一点 并将基础设施完善 不仅仅在对冲交易合约上能够继续构建更多Dapp 这些dapp还能与当今最大的技术公司竞争,他允许每个人都这样做
If you want to build a transaction contract for users to use, you can’t wait for more 10 minutes or one hour. In order to identify our needs, the performance should be greatly improved to make concerted interests among parties. If we can do that and improve the basic infrastructure, more Dapp can be continue to be built in hedging transaction contracts, as well as these dapp can compete with the current biggest technology companies. It allows everyone to do like this.
