Developing confidence——提升信心

Developing confidence——提升信心

作者: Justawriter | 来源:发表于2020-04-13 20:09 被阅读0次

We live by faith, not by sight.——《2 Corinthians 5:7》
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.——《Hebrews 11:1》


Get the Facts About Fear of Speaking in Public

1.You are not unique in your fear of speaking in public.

  1. A certain amount of stage fright in useful.
  2. Many professional speakers have assured me that they never completely lose all stage fright.
  3. The chief cause of your fear of public speaking is simply that you are unaccustomed to speak in public.

Prepare in the Proper Way

Perfect preparation

1.Never memorize a talk word for word.

If our ideas are clear, the words come as naturally and unconsciously as the air we breathe.

  1. Assemble and arrange your ideas beforehand
  2. Rehearse your talk with your friends

Use the ideas you have selected for your talk in everyday conversation with your friends and business associates.
提示:keep it casual.用很随意的方式,把话题引出,然后展开。

Predetermine Your Mind to Success

  1. Lose yourself in your subject

You must sell yourself on the importance of your subject.

  1. Keep your attention off negative stimuli that may upset you

  2. Give yourself a pep talk

Say to yourself that you are more qualified than any member of the audience to give this particular talk.

Act confident

To develop courage when you are facing an audience, act as if you already had it.


Draw yourself up to your full height and look your audience staight in the eyes, and begin to talk as confidently as if every one of them owed you money.

  1. 与听者眼神交流
  2. 想象听众都欠你钱,求你放宽还款期限。


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      本文标题:Developing confidence——提升信心
