

作者: 冷若明月心 | 来源:发表于2020-04-25 00:21 被阅读0次

1.AWOL(absent without leave) I think he went AWOL.  Never go AWOL on learning English.

2.APP (application)

3.ASAP (as soon as possible)

4.ATM (automatic teller machine)自动出纳机,自动取款机

5.AKA (also known as )

6.BFF (best friend forever)

7.BTW (by the way)

8.B.A (Bachelor of Arts) 文学士

9.B.S (Bachelor of Science) 理学士

10.BAE (before anyone else) 北鼻宝贝

11.CC (Carbon copy) 抄送

12.CCTV (China Central Television)

13.CPC (Communist Party of China) join the CPC

14.CPU (central processing unit) 中央处理器

15.CEO (chief executive officer)

16.CFO (chief finance officer)

17.Diss (disrespect)

18.EMS (Express Mail Service ) 邮政特快专递

19.GM (general manager)

20.VIP (very important person)

21.VP (vice president)副总裁

22.FAQ (frequently asked questions)

23.FYI (for your information) 供你参考, 提个醒

24.HQ (headquarters) 总部

25.ICU (intensive care unit) I’m in the intensive care unit.

26.ICBC (Industrial & Commercial Bank of China)

27.i.e. (that is/ in other words) e.g.(for example)

28.JK (just kidding)

29.KO (knock out) 击倒,晕倒

30.LOL(laugh out loud) 大笑

31.YOLO (you only live once)人生只有一次

32.TBH (to be honest)

33.TBT (Throwback Thursday) 旧照重PO(当你想要贴一张照片去重温一下陈年往事的美好,而通常都是在星期四发文)

34.TGIF(thank God it’s Friday)

35.RSVP (法文) 希望你能回复

36.TTYL (talk to you later)(直到下一次再聊)

37.UN (the united nations)

38.UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization)

39.WHO (World Health Organization)

40.WTO (World Trade Organization)

41.NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) 北大西洋公约组织

42.TL;DR (too long; didn’t read) 主要的作用就是告诉读者,这篇内容篇幅比较长,如果不想深入探讨或时间有限,可以看总结

43. ITC (Internet data center) 互联网数据中心



