Level 1-32 感谢他人

Level 1-32 感谢他人

作者: 慕炜菡容 | 来源:发表于2021-07-05 23:08 被阅读0次




L: Attention everyone! Margo and I would like to say a few words. Margo, you go first.

M: Thanks, Lily.

L: Well…first, I want to say thank you to everybody for coming.

M: Me, too. Thank you guys for being here! And I want to say thank you to Lily. I wanted to make this birthday party for Lily because she is my best friend. She is such a great person. I know you all feel the same way. Lily traveled all the way from Spain to Los Angeles to be with us tonight. Happy birthday, Lily. Cheers!

L: Thank you, Margo. This is a really nice party. You did a great job and you are also a great friend. I'm so happy to be with each of you. I hope you all have a great time. So, everyone, please get food and drinks. We can have cake after dinner. Then we can open presents. And we can take photos at the back of the room. Enjoy!


Vocabulary 1

to say

To say means to tell someone something.

to say a few words

To say a few words means to talk alittle about someone or something.


Say "Cheers" before you drink.

a room

There are eight rooms in this house.

Vocabulary 2

A: This is not good!

B: I know. I need to study more.

A: What do you want to do?

B: We want to travel.

A: Why are the dishes dirty?

B: I forgot to clean them. I'm sorry.

A: Are you free on Saturday?

B: Yes, why?

A: I want to have a small party for you.


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