MiniProgram - Combine Images

MiniProgram - Combine Images

作者: 7dbe8fdb929f | 来源:发表于2020-08-28 13:55 被阅读0次

When I understand myself, I understand you, and out of that understanding comes love.
-- Jiddu Krishnamurti

Sometimes we need to combine a few images to one image, such as card and coupon generation. For mini program, we can use canvas and context api to accomplish this task.

  1. Download images
  2. Draw images to canvas
  3. Get image data from canvas
  4. Convert image data and save image

<canvas canvas-id="canvas"></canvas>

Firstly, we need to download images and save the local temp file paths, it's more convenient compared to remote resource and can save us from unpredictable trouble.

  url: "IMAGE_URL", 
  success(res) {
    if (res.statusCode === 200) {
      let url1 = res.tempFilePath

Then draw images to the canvas.

// Draw and transform
context.drawImage(url1, 0, 0, width1, height1)
context.drawImage(url2, 0, 0, width2, height2)
context.draw(true, () => {
  // do the next step

Get binary image data, use upng.js to encode, convert array buffer to base64 and save it to local file.

  canvasId: 'canvas',
  x: 0,
  y: 0,
  width: MAX_WIDTH,
  height: MAX_HEIGHT,
  success(res) {
    let pngData = UPNG.encode([res.data.buffer], res.width, res.height)
    let base64 = wx.arrayBufferToBase64(pngData)
    let src = 'data:image/png;base64,' + base64
    saveBase64src(src, res => {
      // res will be what you wanted
const saveBase64src = function (base64data, cb) {
  const [, format, bodyData] = /data:image\/(\w+);base64,(.*)/.exec(base64data) || [];
  if (!format) {
    return (new Error('ERROR_BASE64SRC_PARSE'));
  const filePath = `${wx.env.USER_DATA_PATH}/${FILE_BASE_NAME}.${format}`;
  const buffer = wx.base64ToArrayBuffer(bodyData);
  let fsm = wx.getFileSystemManager()
    data: buffer,
    encoding: 'binary',
    success() {
    fail() {
      return (new Error('ERROR_BASE64SRC_WRITE'));



      本文标题:MiniProgram - Combine Images
