2019-9-27 工作积累

2019-9-27 工作积累

作者: A_bad_tea_maker | 来源:发表于2019-09-28 22:41 被阅读0次

    Exquisite 精细 and chic 雅致

    Supplemented by ... 辅以、以为补充

    Fret about ...担忧

    Discuss (interest rates ) discuss 直接加名词

    Wilting global growth  萎靡的

    Waning 减弱的

    Cut back investment 削减

    Solid job growth 稳增长

    Wobbling market 动荡不安

    For the second time 再一次

    As expected 果然 ,如所料

    Prompt sb to do 促使

    By... percent to a target of... 到目标百分之...

    Turmoil 动荡

    Be overshadowed by 被...蒙上阴影

    Short-term money market 短期货币市场

    Climb by, to, above ... 升至

    Federal funds rate 联邦基金利率

    “Repo” rate 回购率

    Be swapped for 被换取

    Intro-day peak 单日高点

    ...billion-worth of ...(fund)  worth 这里是名词

    Vernihjy funding 隔夜资金

    Gobble up... 吞下...

    Send shivers down spines 毛骨悚然

    Spiking 飙升

    Board cash 囤积资金

    Mortgage lending 抵押资金

    Collateral 抵押品

    Bonds or bills 债券或票据

    Track the federal funds rate 跟随...

    Deprive ...of ...



          本文标题:2019-9-27 工作积累
