The Saturday weather was hot and the training was good.
The first class of 8:20 to 10:30

The training involved mostly team work and passing the ball. The warm up involved playing 3 players in the middle and other players have to be in the area of 20by20 and they have to snatch the ball and pass it with an involvement of 2 balls it increased the players concentration!

Then we. Did an exercise that involves passing 4 times and then pass the ball across with one player attacking. And the team that lost the ball just got the middle and do the same .

Then there was a game after all which shows that day by day the players knows the reason of passing and positioning during the game where they can pass the ball and when they loose it they have to come back to defend.
The second class 10:30 to 12:30
It involved passing and dribbling.

Where the warm up was a tagging game where 3 players had snatch the bib from the player and he become tagged then help others this involved a lot of running.

The technical drill involved dribbling from one point to another point then come back

then we introduced changing directions using one right leg then the left leg

After we played a game where we divided the players in two teams where one team played each other we played 5vs5 and the pitch was small and I was advised to make elimination system with a condition of time or scoring to avoid overcrowding the players.