

作者: 颜克 | 来源:发表于2018-09-28 11:57 被阅读6次




碧瑶素有“小重庆”之称,是菲律宾有名的避暑山庄。我虽然还没有完全领略到她的美,这一路行程,已领略到了碧瑶天气的凉爽,空气的清新。从马尼拉的三十多度到这里的二十多度,外套都该穿上了。推开车窗,阵阵松林的清香驱赶了舟车劳顿。上午天晴下午雨,街道干净而整齐。房屋依山而建,没有方向和笔直感。如果说我的家乡舞钢的路上上下下不能骑自行车,这里的路更是蜿蜒曲折。整个碧瑶是建设在山顶的,道路上很少停车位,车都是随意停放,但都很自觉不影响交通。大路口有穿制服的帅帅的交警,小路口全靠自觉,这里很少红绿灯,车都会让人先行。因为依山而建,道路狭窄,堵车在这里也是最常见的事情,因为堵车而迟到的孩子是可以原谅的! 学校离教堂很近,礼拜的时候能听到教堂的钟声。对面是公园,下班后可以去跳舞健身。不远处有菜市场和大超市,都说菲律宾的蔬菜比肉贵,但碧瑶的蔬菜一年四季都丰富充盈,全菲律宾的蔬菜都是碧瑶供应的。还有菲律宾本土的特色食品,吃的享受该是一件多么幸福的事。





                             First Sight to Baguio City

After noon, I came out from Manila and went towards north straightly, after walking 6 hours in the plain, and then walking on the mountain road for 2 hours, we arrived in Baguio City in our illusion. It is getting dark, there are street lights here and there, all the villas are built along the hills, it is as beautiful as Chongqing in China actually.

Baguio City is also called “Little Chongqing” which is the famous mountain resort in Philippines. Although I didn't understand the beauty of Baguio City completely, travel here this time, I felt the cool weather in Baguio, the fresh air. From 30° C in Manila to 20°C in Baguio, we should put on our coat. Open the window of the car, we can smell the sweet fragrance of pine trees and it can drive our tiredness off. It is sunny in the morning and rainy in the afternoon, the streets are very clean and tidy. the houses are built along the hills which have no direction and straightforward. If I say that I cannot ride bike in my hometown as the roads are zigzag, the roads here are more zigzag. the whole Baguio is built on the top of the hills, there are few parking places along the roads, so the cars are parked as the citizens like, but they may not influence the transportation, there are many traffic policemen who are handsome and well-dressed at the entrance of the highroad, depending on the consciousness at the entrance of the mountain road. There are few traffic lights here, the car drivers can let the citizens go first. Traffic jam here are normal because the houses are built along the hills and the roads are narrow, the schools allow the students to be late and can excuse them because of the traffic jam! The school is not far from the church, the bell of the church can be heard at the weekends. the park is on the other side of the school, I can go there to dance for health after work, there is a big supermarket and city market nearby, Everybody knows the vegetables are more expensive than meat, but the four season vegetables in Baguio city are fresh, abundant and plentiful, the vegetables in Baguio city can afford the whole Philippines. In addition, the local products in Philippines are very delicious and enjoy eating them.

I went to the school the first day, it is not much better than my imagination. Of course it is not compared with the kindergarten in our country, I don't know what looks like about the public kindergarten. the teaching tools and the learning tools are made of wood, even the floors of the school, maybe it is the reason that it produced more wood here! Teaching Chinese people abroad and foreigners how to speak Chinese, we must teach them from the childhood, our task is difficult and great. let us think, how pride our Chinese people are if all people in the world speak Chinese!

The first day I helped my local colleagues do the poster, I feel very glad when I read the three words—school’s opening ceremony! The local colleagues are friendly and enthusiasm, there is a 58- year- old teacher who looks like 40, another teacher who is more than 60 still works!

The dim light of night is covering Baguio city, comparing with the daytime which is blue sky and white clouds, Baguio in the dim light of night is more livable. You can hear music everywhere and you can see pedestrians by twos and threes. Their languages are different, skins are different, but their smells are the same. Smell is the best language. I feel I am on the back mountain in my hometown in a trance, but the coconut trees here are joggling more heavily than the drooping willows in my hometown. The air is always wet, you feel your face is clean and brightening even though you didn't use the protect skin products. The dates of using milk, bread, knife and pork, maybe I try to make pills of immortality and cultivate vital energy, etc. I am having the rhythm of becoming celestial being! I am closely associated with you from morning to night about ten months, I am sure I will love you—Baguio which has beauty and charm!


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