Design elemets 3.0
Patten: recognition of relationships
1. a repetition of similar visual elements
2. not simply a grouping of similar things of similar visual elements
3. direction
finding the vantage point is the key to success with pattern
If a picture is well defined, patterns can give a strong sense of organization to our picture and move the viewers's eye in a meaningful way
looking for pattens and looking for differences in pattens is an another strategy that can lead you to interesting outcomes
visual elements are only parts of the picture not the content of the picture. If the picture is just made of those visual elements, that's boring.
We can bring some different pattens together to create a whole new meaning.
Color: rainbow of meanings
blue+green=harmounious cool colors
limit color palette to just two or three distinct hues. Look for one contrasting color in a field that is made up of otherwise unified colors. Such as one color jump out from a generally neutral toned colored feld.
a lot of visual weight, if a spot of constracting color scream out for our attention
instead of looking for constrasting colors, monochromatic(made up of one color) is scenes that we are looking for. A very 3 dimentional sculptural figure in a constructed background setting can be preceived as being quite flat
select a grouping of adjacent colors and see how you can creat a set that seems harmonious. The harmony conveys a certain content too.
Wirh digital photography, we can alter the colors of the scene itself. We can do that by altering the white balance or the color sensetivity
Visual Weight: Attraction And Interest
Underestanding the terms of vocabulary will give you the ability to put them into action in pictures.
Definition:Visual weight is also related to the exertion of force like the physical weight. But we measure it in a different way, the scale measures all the different things that can cause some be interested in something.
Artists always want to know, how do I construct their works that viewers will be called to look more deeply and to look in the places that they want views do.
Human beings is the most attractive element in any pictures.
relationship between visual elements and visual weight:
1.the organization of visual elements guide the viewer's gaze across the image.
2.the visual elements weight themselves.
Shape is the first visual element. Viewer's eyes will immediately be locked on zhe palm trees
Two vibrantly contrasting color
It is something you want, like pizza. The elements of texture is strongly presented and conveys a sense of 3D
Darker values have more visual weight
Other examples:
- diagonal line
- size matters
- orientation of an object
- the placement of elements within the frame