Day5, Page49-59

Day5, Page49-59

作者: Luca地球之旅 | 来源:发表于2017-06-07 16:32 被阅读0次

    Part1  字词

    1、I've never been allowed to go to the Crossland haunted house before,...

    haunted house 意为鬼屋

    never been 从未,从来没有  【区分】ever been 还没有

    例句:I have never been so scared in all my life.

    造句:He has never been allowed to return to hometown.

    2、...and I've been looking forward to this for about three years.

    look forward to 期望,盼望

    例句:He was looking forward to working with the new Prime Minister.

    造句:We shall look forward to see each other next year.

    3、But Mom seemed like she was in a hurry to get this over with,...

    get this over with(口语)一劳永逸的做完(不愉快但不得不做的事情)


    例句:The sooner we start, the sooner we'll get it over with.

    造句:“Lets get over with home cleaning.” I told my brother.

    4、I'll admit maybe we stretched the truth a little in our advertisement,...

    stretched the truth 夸大其词

    例句:For instance, the phone might be the best medium for sales where employees are encouraged to stretch the truth.(比如,电话可以作为销售的最好媒介。因为打电话时,雇员们有勇气夸大其词。)

    造句:In the facts,some financial statements are modify data to stretch the truth.

    5、So we had to cut some corners from our original plan.

    original plan 最初的计划

    例句:The original plan was to hold an indefinite stoppage.(无限期停工)

    造句:We doing every thing as original plan.

    6、We tried to get him to crawl out from under there, but he wouldn't budge.


    例句:Both sides say they will not budge.

    造句:No one can persuade her to budge.

    Part2  仿写

    1、We realized we were gonna need to get the word out that we were doing this thing,...

    get the word out 广而告之

    造句:Social media can help get the word out about your events.

    2、...but I could see that we had a chance to make a killing here.

    make a killing 突然发大财,赚了一笔钱

    造句:I often hear someone makes a killing in Las Vegas.

    Part3  日记

    This morning, on the way to company, when I passed by a high school, I saw many students standing ouside the door. Well, today is college entrance examination!

    A moment like this, I remember many years ago when I was facing college entrance exams, Mom was more nervous than me. Actually, I just don't want to show it. Lots and lots of books and papers, I think that's never finish.Honestly, sometimes, I don't konw what's all this for?

    Till I take part in the work, I realize that diploma and university names are the most basic stepping stone. Obviously, I understand too late.

    Part4  生词

    1、drench  v. 使湿透 cover with liquid

    eg: They drench them.

    2、haunted house 鬼屋

    3、ruin 破坏,灭亡

    4、a hockey mask 曲棍球面具

    5、chainsaw vt. 用链锯割,肢解

    6、bail sb. out 保释某人

    7、a pop = each 每

    8、squeal 发出尖叫声






          本文标题:Day5, Page49-59
