Words and Expressions
1.And If any teenagers pass by our driveway, he drenched them.
drench:/drentʃ/ to make someone/something extremely wet
例句:The athletes were drenched in/with sweat.
仿写:After running, I was drenched in sweat.
同义词:splash[splæʃ] 泼洒

2.Right when it looked like the chainsaw guy was going to catch us, Mom stepped in and bailed us out.(果然是老妈啊)
bail: to help people out of trouble
例句:She keeps running up huge debets and asking friends to bail her out.
仿写:Ping has offered to bail out lily's trouble.

3.I don't mean to brag or anything, but what we came up with was way better than the crossland high school haunted house.
brag: to talk proudly of you have down 王婆卖瓜自卖自夸
例句:Ben's always bragging about his success with women.
仿写:Chao is always bragging about his success with chemicals.

4.We realized we were gonna need to get the word out that we were doing this thing, so we got some paper and made up a bunch of flyer.
flyer:a small sheet of paper advertising. 传单
例句: People were giving out flyers advertising the event.
仿写:There are a whole lot of flyers about part-time job on the website.

5.So at least we cleared two bucks today
clear(熟词生义):earn money
仿写: Dr.Chen cleared 200 yuan for exchange his staff with engineer.
1.well, it's finally October, and there are only thirty days left until Halloween.
【仿写】Well, it's finally June, and there are only four weeks left until final exam.
2.The crossland haunted house really got me thinking.
【仿写】This failure really got me thinking.
①I'll admit maybe we stretched the truth a little in our advertisement(言过其实,吹牛), but we had to make sure people actually showed up.

仿写:People sometimes streth the truth/facts to make a point.
Nowadays, some advertisers streth the truth about their product.
②when 3:00 rolled around到了三点的时候
③wait in line排队
④sure enough:certainly/of course
⑤Now, I know our flyers said admission was fifty cents, but I could see that we had a chance to make a killing here.(看到商机啦,想宰人)
I decided to take a ride to Tibet of my own. Actually, I had to bring my bother in on the deal, because I need his company while he needs my financial support. My brother is way better than me about riding to Tibet. And any of us would not mention it to my mother.