[2013012]荷兰的种族矛盾- 一场足球悲剧的余波

[2013012]荷兰的种族矛盾- 一场足球悲剧的余波

作者: LynnTra | 来源:发表于2018-08-22 16:33 被阅读16次

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Race in the Netherlands


The aftermath of a football tragedy


Religious and racial tensions resurfacein Dutch society


Jan 12th 2013 | AMSTERDAM| from the print edition

ALMERE and Osdorp are two of the working-class suburbs that ringAmsterdam, modern planned towns of blocky flats and town houses interspersed withparks and football fields. In recent years upwardly mobileMuslim and Caribbean immigrants have been leaving the inner city for the suburbs, turning places like these into staging groundsfor the Netherlands’ rocky integration process. It was here that the country’s latest racial tragedy took place.


After a match against a youth football club in Almere in early December, several teenaged players from a visiting Osdorp team pummelled and brutally kicked a volunteer linesmanafter an unexplained dispute. The linesman, the father of an Almere player, died the next day. He was white. His young assailants were ethnic Moroccans. The incident has touched offa month-long resurgenceof religious and racial tensions that have preoccupied Dutch politics for over a decade. And it has resurrected the fortunes of Geert Wilders, a populist right-wing politician who best exploits those tensions.

12月初,在一场对抗阿尔梅勒青年足球俱乐部的比赛之后,客队奥斯道尔普的数名青少年球员因为无端纠纷对志愿助理裁判残忍地拳打脚踢。那位裁判于次日伤亡,他是阿尔梅勒队一名球员的父亲。他是白人,而攻击他的少年们是摩洛哥人。该事件导致荷兰的宗教和种族紧张局势一触即发,冲突长达一个月之久,而这种局势其实已经潜伏荷兰政坛十多年了。该事件也复萌了荷兰民粹派右翼政客基尔特.威尔德斯(Geert Wilders)的政途,他最大程度地利用了上述争端。

Ethnic and religious conflicts have rackedthe Netherlands for years. Yet the latest flare-upcame as something ofa surprise. The euro crisis eclipsedthe issues of immigration and Islam last year, leading even Mr Wilders to downplayhis demands for banning the burqaand to emphasise anti-European politics instead.


The Dutch election in September led to a centrist coalition government. Mr Wilders’s Freedom Party took just 10% of the vote. But while ethnic politics may have quieted temporarily, the roots of the conflicts are as strong as ever. A report released in mid-December by the Netherlands Institute for Social Research found that social contact between white native Dutch and the main immigrant groups (Moroccan, Turkish, Antillean and Surinamese) has actually shrunk over the past 17 years. Half a century after the first Turkish and Moroccan guest workers arrived in the Netherlands, only 28% of ethnic Turks and 37% of ethnic Moroccans identify themselves strongly as Dutch. And while their Dutch language skills have improved, immigrant groups felt less accepted in Dutch society in 2011 than they had in 2002.

去年9月的荷兰大选选出了一个中立联合政府。威尔德斯领导的自由党只拿到了10%的选票。尽管种族政见可能暂时消声了,但种族冲突根源之牢固一如从前。荷兰社会研究所(Netherlands Institute for Social Research)于去年12月中旬发布的一份报告显示:在过去17年里,荷兰本地白人和主要移民群体(摩洛哥、土耳其、安的列群岛以及苏里南人)间的社会交往实际减少了。虽然自第一批土耳其和摩洛哥外来打工者来荷兰已经过去半个世纪了,其中仅有28%的土耳其人和37%的摩洛哥人坚定地认为自己是荷兰人。他们的荷兰语越说越地道,但是他们觉得自己在2011年的受接纳程度还不如2002年。

The authors pinmuch of the blame on “the image native Dutch have of Muslim groups”, which seems only to have worsened in recent years. But Dutch conservatives say immigrants themselves are to blame for their image. Crime rates among young Moroccan men are triplethose of white Dutch youths.


In the aftermath of the football clash, ethnic politics leapt to the foreagain. The national football association cancelled every amateur game in the country the next weekend, and with Mark Rutte, the Liberal prime minister, called formeasures to reduce violence in sports. Mr Wilders attacked this as political correctness. “We don’t have a sports-violence problem, we have a Moroccan problem.” He called forthe alleged offenders, all aged between 14 and 17, to be stripped of their Dutch citizenship and sent “back” to Morocco.

在这场足球冲突的余波中,种族政见再度抬头。荷兰国家足协取消了国内下个周末所有的业余足球赛。荷兰自由派首相马克.吕特(Mark Rutte)呼吁出台相关措施以减少体育暴力。威尔德斯则以政治正确对此进行攻击,他说:“我们没有体育暴力问题,但是我们有摩洛哥问题。”他要求剥夺被指控罪犯(全都介于14至17岁之间)的荷兰公民资格,并送“回”摩洛哥。

A string ofother incidents over the past month have scratchedethnic sore spots. An Amsterdam newspaper reported that a social-housing corporation was creating “halal-flats” with partitions separating men and women. A Moroccan woman in a small town stabbed her daughter to death in a possible honour killing, triggering calls for closer police monitoring. And an amusement park established a Muslim prayer room.


All this has combined to pushanxiety over race and religion back to the top of the political agenda. The latest polls give the Freedom Party 17% of the vote, tied withLabour for first place. Mr Rutte’s Liberals have slipped to third. Pundits speculating that Mr Wilders’s politics had grown stalemay have written him off too early.


from the print edition | Europe

译者:Lynn Wang


1. 报道标题:Race in the Netherlands

本文事件由一场足球比赛引起,race 本身有“体育竞赛”和“种族”两个含义本文原作者在标题上用race的两个含义,一语双关,是经济学人中常见的标题即点题的写作手法。


2.upwardly mobile:指在社会阶层上向上流动






4. rack. 

If someone is racked by something such as illness or anxiety, it causes them great suffering or pain. 使痛苦[usu passive]

此处rack 和上一段的preoccupy有异曲同工之效

5. eclipse=downplay

6. visiting football team 客队

7. guest worker 外来打工者

译者认为这个说法比migrant worker(农民工常以此作为英文说法)更友好一些,英语修辞学中会称之为委婉语或者婉转语(euphemism)。

8. pin blame on sb 怪罪于某人,联想到耶稣受难被十字架钉在墙上,动词pin用得实在很妙,这在英语修辞学中也可以称为拟人(personification)。

9. 注意文中triple的其中一个用法:

triple. 做adj.时,be+triple+直接加被triple的对象。

10. 文中第六段两个call for,注意call for的褒贬用法

11. scratch sore spot 直译为“抓伤痛处”,转译为中文俗语“伤口上撒盐”

这里的scratch 和前文的pin有同样的拟人效果,英语中很多动词用拟人效果来用,阅读起来会觉得英语文字和中文一样奇妙传神,但两者各有妙处。

12. 名誉杀人Honor killing


An honor killingor shame killingis the homicideof a member of a family by other members, due to the perpetrators' belief that the victim has brought shame or dishonor upon the family, or has violated the principles of a community or a religion, usually for reasons such as refusing to enter an arranged marriage, being in a relationship that is disapproved by their family, having sex outside marriage, becoming the victim of rape, dressing in ways which are deemed inappropriate, engaging in non-heterosexual relations or renouncing a faith.

13. write off v.

concede the loss or worthlessness of something or somebody;

reduce the estimated value of something



      本文标题:[2013012]荷兰的种族矛盾- 一场足球悲剧的余波
