The Synopsis
《The Little Prince》is a book, which the narrater, a pilot, was not understood by others until he encountered a queer but cute prince in the Sahara. The little prince comes from a very small planet that is scarcely any larger than a house. Since he quarreled with his beautiful and arrogant rose, he left his planet, by taking advantage of the migration of a flock of wild birds, and began travelling the universal.
And he has visited six planets.In each planet he encountered a arrogant king, a concited man, a tippler, a mechant, a fithful lamplighter and a rigid geographer. Every time he was confused by these people and thought these grown-ups were really odd and queer.
When the little prince arrived in earth and encountered a snake, a fox and a pilot successively, he gradually understood what's the love, what's the responsibility, and what's the life. When the little prince got the essence of life, he come back his planet at last with the help of a golden snake.
What I Get
The author of this book is a French pilot and a writter. 《The Little Prince》is his representive work, which the reading rate is just second to the Bible. When i look at this, i was very curious and think why a book for children can be praised so highly. I doubt that this book is not merely for children, but also for adults as i finished it. This is why this book can be prevalent range from 7 to 70. Children may get some interesting fairy tales, adults may get something that more wisdom than interesting story, and old people may get the meaning of life.
My Viewpoint for This Book
In my opinion, this book is a ironic story. From beginning to end, the author satirized grown-ups who are in absence of imagination in the process of growing from kids to adults, who are so crazy to money that finally become the salve of it, who admire power and vanity, finally becoming a ridiculous clown, who are only starting knowledge but don't know put it into practice, who only obey the orders but don't know how to break it. I think these people just a mirror to the mankind.
When i finished this book, i knew the king's arrogance, the conceit's man, the pitful mechant, the foolish lamplighter, and the rigid grographer. And also i learned the little prince's innocence, the rose's love and the fox's wisdom and friendship.