
Rosie is getting sleepy. 罗斯开始觉得有点困了(sleepy). She has had lots of fun today.她今天玩的好开心 (have lots of fun) It's time to get ready to go to bed and to put her toys away. 是时间睡觉了 把玩具收好。

“Come on Rosie" Mommy says. ”快来,罗斯“妈妈说。”Your bubble bath is ready. 你的泡泡浴好了。 We can play with Yellow duck and put pajamas on, like teddy" 我们可以一起和黄鸭子玩,然后穿上睡衣,和泰迪熊一样。

In the tub with Yellow duck, Rosie has a soapy wash. 在浴缸里和黄鸭一起,罗斯洗了一个肥皂浴。She pops the bubbles and splashes water with a giant splosh. 她弹出泡泡,拍打着巨大的水花。

Mommy sits on the edge of the tub, next to Rosie's bear. 妈妈坐在浴缸的边上,靠着罗斯的小熊。She dries Rosie with a towel and combs her curly hair. 她用浴巾把罗斯擦干,给罗斯梳理卷卷的头发。

Wrapped up in a towel, Rosie thinks she looks very funny. 裹在浴巾中,罗斯觉得自己很好玩。Mommy says "Here are your pajamas with a picture of a bunny" 妈妈说“这是你的睡衣,上面有个小兔子的照片”

Rosie wiggles into her pajamas and pulls the top over her head. 罗斯钻进她的睡衣把头套了进去。She grabs Teddy's little paw and jumps into her cosy bed. 她抓住了泰迪熊的小爪子,跳进了温暖的床上。

Mommy reads a bedtime story from her special book. 妈妈给罗斯讲了一个特别的故事。Rosie loves the pictures. 罗斯特别喜欢故事的图片。She makes sure Teddy has a look. 她确保泰迪熊也能看到。

When Rosie is sleepy, Mommy kisses and hugs her tight. 当罗斯很困的时候,妈妈吻了她,紧紧地抱了她。"I love you lots, Mommy", says Rosie "night, night" "妈妈,我好爱你“ 罗斯说”晚安,晚安“
语音文件,请问萝卜mama(微信号:xylobo), 一个爱讲故事的妈妈