1. 长期重现性:δ值 vs. 分析次数(时间)
2. 真空度:液氮冷阱
3. 能量窗~滤波
4. 狭缝~MRP
5. 计数率 ~ 基体
6. FC和EM的相对增益校正:Cameca built-in amplifier calibration routine
7. Isobaric interference:correction of isobaric interference could not be resolved directly → peak stripping
8. 老化效应对EM产率的影响
9. Sputtering time: sputtering effects - intensity(cps) vs. time(sec) → sputtering equilibrium →pre-sputterig time + transfer deflectors centering time = total pre-sputtering time
10. 基体效应:measurement~true(conventional method)