

作者: Jason外贸旅途 | 来源:发表于2018-04-15 21:28 被阅读28次


Several days ago, a salesman said to his friend: “Brother, my customer had a very big complaint, but my boss didn't support me, these days there are a lot of bad things happened to me, and I am very sad, I don't know what to do.”

几天前,有个外贸人对他朋友说:兄弟,我的客户有个很大的投诉,但是我的老板不支持我,这些天很多不开心的事情, 我很伤心,不知道怎么办。

Well, if you are feeling that life are full of unhappiness, you can try to think positively.  如果你感觉生活处处都不开心,你可以试着正能量的去想。

When we are stressed, depressed, upset, or in a negative state of mind because we think 'bad things' keep happening to us, it is important to shift those negative thoughts to something positive. If we don't, we will only attract more 'bad things.'


It is often very hard to think positive when so many things are negative, but I can assure you that someone else in this world is worse than you.  


We can choose to think differently by beginning with the smallest steps. 我们可以换种方式,从最小步子开始。

With practice, you will change your outlook and choose to be happy, regardless of the small unhappiness around you.


Try to focus on beautiful things around you.  专注你周围的美丽的事情。

For example, the weather is good, these flowers are so beautiful, I have a job, I work with good people, I'm healthy right now, most of my customers are nice to me, etc...

Looking at the basic stuff around us and appreciating them really helps us feel like lucky people. 

比如:天气很好,这些花儿好漂亮,我有份工作,我的同事都是好人,目前我很健康, 大多数客户对我很好, 等等。看我周围这些稀松平常的事情,感激它们,真的让我们内心觉得非常幸运。

2. Tell people you love them, be generous with your friends. 告诉他们你爱他们,慷慨对待朋友。

When your workmate, your customer, or your friend help you, remember to express your thanks sincerely, you will find they are very kind to you.  


When they need help, give them a hand, don’t expect a reward from them, you will find you will get more good luck or happienss from someone or somewhere else. 当他们需要帮助,帮助他们,不要期望回报。

Express your love to your parents, to your sweet heart, to your relative and friends, or people around you very often, you will find your relationship become better and better.


3. Write down what you're grateful for each day. 记下每天让你感激的事。

In moments when you're feeling really down, read what you wrote previously, this will help uplift your spirits. If you practice this regularly, you will find that your list will get longer and longer, and you will be happier and happier.


4.Give yourself a break, and don't hold yourself to unreasonable and perfect standard.

As long as you're looking around your world with an open heart and an open mind, the pure intentions behind anything will shine .


Move yourself into a positive thought, and keep it as long as you can.  The more you practice, the happier and luckier you'll be.  


Life is short, if you do not smile in one day, you will waste this day. 

Do you agree? 生命很短,如果一天你没有笑,你就白白浪费了这一天,你同意么?


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