

作者: f74bde8ac0c8 | 来源:发表于2017-03-20 15:55 被阅读54次

朗阁海外考试研究中心  李世彤


1. FC--Fluency & coherence; 流畅性和结构层次


2. LR--Lexical Resource; 词汇来源


3. GA--Grammar Range & Accuracy; 语法的多样性和准确性


4. PR--Pronunciation; 语音语调的流畅与清晰度




1. Delivery: How clear your speech is. Good responses are those in which the speech is fluid and clear, with good pronunciation, natural pacing, and natural-sounding intonation patterns.

2. Language Use: How effectively you use grammar and vocabulary to convey your ideas. Raters will be listening for how well you can control both basic and more complex language structures and use appropriate vocabulary.

3. Topic Development: How fully you answer the question and how coherently you present your ideas. Good responses generally use all or most of the time allotted, and the relationship between ideas and the progression from one idea to the next is clear and easy to follow.


1. 每道口语题会被一位考官给一个原始分(0-4之间的整数分)。

2. 一个考生的六道口语题,至少会被三个不同的考官评分。

3. 六道口语题的分数加在一起(0-24分),取算数平均值(0-4分之间,但会出现小数点后0/.83/.66/.50/.33/.16六种不同情况)

4. 该平均值,根据换算,转换为0-30分的总分(见下表)。


二、BBC for IELTS and VOA for TOEFL

其实仔细思考一下,标题有点搞笑。是的,BBC和VOA都分别是英国和美国的国家广播系统,它们都各自代表自己国家无可厚非,但是当你踏入出国考试行列之后,再来看一看这两个网站,你就会会心一笑。因为BBC的Takeaway English和雅思口语考试出奇得像。这个栏目是英国为了方便全世界学习英文人事专门设立的,每次Takeaway English的音频播放时都会伴有Learning English, 所以这个栏目的目的大家一眼就看穿了。涉及的题材有旅游、学习、工作、金融、时尚、科技等,简直就是雅思口语话题的翻版,里面的语言结构清晰易懂,如果学生能够加以copy, 英文能力就会平步青云,直线上升。因为很多学生都向我反映,自己面对多如牛毛而每季都会换题的雅思口语题目真的是累感不爱,每次被问到还是一脸蒙蔽,不知道该说点什么来撑场面。这样的学生大多在4-5分的水平,他们的要求也很现实,很多就要个6分或者6.5分,那么在短时间内,背诵一些Takeaway English的素材,或者拿来主义,把里面的短语和词汇现学现用,运气好,7分会在某些特殊考官群体的助攻下轻易拿下。而VOA的慢速英语,特别是Science in the News, 与托福口语也非常相似。由于托福考试题材在听说读写中各个板块分布得差不多,准备了VOA的一些文章之后,托福听力、阅读、写作也能同沾雨露。VOA涉及的题材就是托福会涉及的题材,天文:讲讲星球的趣闻,比如火星是否有水、海洋生物的习性、农民伯伯如何无土栽培出农作物(hydroponics是不是很熟?某篇TPO听力的conversation中重点就是这个)。


3.1雅思的Takeaway English


首先Part 1中有outdoor activities, 这个话题中:What types of outdoor activities are popular in China?这题就放倒过很多学生,他们在支支吾吾之后也没说出个详细的活动来,要不就都是说jogging, 很是无趣。Part 2中就好几个杀出来了:Describe a sport you like to do and is a little expensive; Describe an outdoor activity that you like to do; Describe an activity that you do to keep fit以及我的学生告诉我她在前几天碰到的话题,不在该季度的题库里面,讲的是做某项运动的一个器材,那么,其实这些话题换汤不换药,不管怎么说都是需要你拥有运动方面的词汇量。然而除了很多学生捉襟见肘的词汇量以外,更多人拥有永远无法摆脱的结构性问题,就是说,很多人在口若悬河不到一分钟之后,声音会戛然而止,哪怕事先罗列好了自己想要说的信息也无济于事。那么,以运动为例,结合Takeaway English一篇文章,我们来探讨如何解决这两个问题。

Tired of your quiet routine? How about leaving your computer games behind and taking up an extreme sport?

You can ride a bicycle, right? In that case you're halfway to becoming a mountain biker. All you have to do is take your bike off the road and try some rough terrain. Mountain biking was developed in California in the 1970s and became an Olympic sport in 1996. In the London 2012 games athletes had to navigate a 4.7-kilometre track in less than two hours.

Not challenging enough? Skydivers jump from aircraft at an altitude of 1,000 to 4,000 metres. You have to be fit but there's no age limit with this sport. Dilys Price from Cardiff went on her first jump aged 54. The minute she came down she wanted to go up again. "I was hooked", said Dilys.

Some adrenaline junkies are even bolder – they've invented base jumping, in which people leap from tall structures, such as buildings or bridges, with a parachute. Many of their stunts aren't legal, especially in urban areas. Dan Witchalls has jumped off The Shard - London's 310 metre-high skyscraper - four times. He says: "Base jumping is scarier than jumping out of a plane. In a plane there's no perception of height, but when you are standing on the edge of the building you can see people and cars - it makes it very real."

It seems there's no lack of imagination when it comes to risking life to look cool and get the heart pounding. Surfing, scuba diving, rock climbing… How about turning one of your chores into a daredevil pursuit? 'Extreme ironing' isn't for wimps! Pressing your shirt on top of a mountain could be dangerous, depending on the mountain. Extreme ironing is said to have been created in the 1990s in the English town of Leicester by a man who saw a pile of wrinkled clothes and felt bored. That was Phil Shaw who also won the only Extreme Ironing Championships ever held, in Germany in 2002. For him, the thrill of this sport comes from looking at the spectators' faces. Shaw says: "Sometimes they look confused, sometimes they laugh. It's fun to see how people respond to it."

首先,词汇上,本文中随便找都是native值爆表的词,笔者犹爱adrenaline junkies, 这个词直接秒杀一大堆love/like/be fond of/crazy about, 太形象,太贴切,用起来分数直接往8分靠啊。回归正题,我们今天讲运动,那么,extreme sport, mountain biker, an Olympic sport, athlete, challenging, Skydiver, no age limit, bold, base jumping, stunt, risking life, get the heart pounding, Surfing, scuba diving, rock climbing, a daredevil pursuit这些词要是你能够照葫芦画瓢用到你的口语回答中,想不高分都很难。再说到结构上,我们除了按照雅思给出的四个问题依着顺序说下来之外,自然,最好不过是来点新鲜的、带感的。比如本文中的层层递进的危险感,比如讲an activity that you do to keep fit这个话题时,你就可以用这样的结构,初次做该项活动时如何,随着时间递进,你的状态又是如何如何,非常有电影的情节推动之感。



我们来看一段Science in the News的范文段落:

Laboratory experiments showed that the fish, plainfin midshipman's song, that low, fog-horn-like sound, is controlled partly by a hormone, melatonin. Hormones are natural substances that influence how bodies grow or develop. In the human body, melatonin tells us when it is time to sleep.

The fish gets its name from rows of organs lined up on its underside. These rows are bio-luminescent. They produce light and shine in the water.

Unlike people speaking, or birds singing, you cannot see the fish making the sound. It comes from organs inside. Their gas-filled swim bladder and their vocal muscles help them sing. Bass says the vocal muscles are hidden deep inside the fishes' bodies.

首先,我们还是来扫一下词汇:horn, hormone, melatonin, substance, organ, underside, bio-luminescent, bladder, vocal muscle, 这些词汇也是托福的常客,但是一次又一次的出现,貌似并没有在考生脑中留下深刻印象,或许通过这样简单而有趣的文章来强化词汇是一个不错的方法。另外,我们来看一看,通过这样的文章,怎么加强学生的复述能力呢?第一段,比如我们就可以说成:Melotonin, a hormone that controls human’s sleep, controls a singing fish’s time to sing。所以,加以练习,我们可以把已经很简单的文章说得更加通俗易懂。




