Developer community, answering each other's questions. SUPER valuable resource.
http://stackoverflow.com -
Easily share code with others, especially if you want to ask them a question about it. Stackoverflow.com allows integration with this site, which makes it really useful.
http://jsfiddle.net -
Community-based code sharing, similar to JsFiddle.net, but with a LOT more features, including a built-in Javascript console.
http://CodePen.io -
Creat CSS/HTML tutorial site founded by Chris Coyier.
http://css-tricks.com -
Organization producing and managing different web-related standards:
http://www.w3.org -
W3C HTML5 Recommendation
http://www.w3.org/TR/html5 -
Excellent site that keeps track of HTML-related technologies and browser compliance with each feature. Allows you to search for feature, tag, attribute, etc.
http://caniuse.com -
Validate your HTML using this W3C.org validator
http://validator.w3.org -
Browser usage statistics form w3schools.com. In my opinion, these statistics are very accurate if you want to know which browers are popular with the developer/IT community.