Office Conversations #01 phone

Office Conversations #01 phone

作者: 心怡在紐村 | 来源:发表于2020-07-19 06:25 被阅读0次


A: Hi Jack, this is Cindy from the audit team.

B: Hi Cindy.

A:I'm calling in regards to the bank statements you sent over to me last week. I cannot find the August statement. Can you resend that one by any chance?

B: Sure. I can scan it and send you a PDF in about an hour. Will that be ok?

A:That would be great. I also have questions on several of the withdrawals. Do you know who I should contact to straighten this out?

B: You should talk to Tom Jones. He's our senior accountant over here. Here… let me give you his number… it's 345-321-7654.

A: That was Tom Jones at 345-321-7654?

B: That's correct.

A: Do you have his email address. I might need it later.

B: Sure. It's tomjones@ourcompany.com.

A:   tomjones@ourcompany.com. Ok. Thanks for all your help.

B: No problem. Have a good day.

A: You too. Thanks again. Bye.



      本文标题:Office Conversations #01 phone
