Linked List Cycle II

Linked List Cycle II

作者: BLUE_fdf9 | 来源:发表于2018-10-17 09:38 被阅读0次


    找Linked List cycle的起始位置(然后remove cycle,这个leetcode上没有,自己给自己加戏..)


    Why slow pointer/ fast pointer methods work?
    Two pointers running in a cycle, you will always end up two situations:
    First: f s
    Second: f _ s
    In the first situation, it takes 1 more step for them to meet.
    In the second situation, it takes 2 more steps for them to meet.
    So.... it works!

    Let's define some variable in the linked list with cycle.
    m: distance from head of list to start of cycle
    k: distance from start of cycle to where the fast and slow pointer will eventually meet.
    P: how many times the fast pointer went through the cycle
    Q: how many times the slow pointer went through the cycle
    C: length of the cycle
    If the fast pointer and slow pointer arrive at the same point in the cycle, this equation will be true:
    m + PC + k = 2(m + QC + k)
    => m+k = C(P-2Q)

    Now, if you look at the below picture. If we start out from the start of cycle and go k steps, and then go m more steps, we will arrive at the start of the cycle again(because m+k is proved to be a multiple of cycle length).

    We can use this to find out exactly where is the start of the cycle:
    ptr1 = head of list
    ptr2 = meeting point in the cycle
    Both pointers march forward, if we see ptr1==ptr2, then we have met the start of the cycle!

    Screen Shot 2018-10-14 at 4.17.46 PM.png
    public ListNode nodeInCycle(ListNode head) {
           if(head == null) return null;
           ListNode fast = head, slow = head;
           while(fast != null && fast.next != null) {
               fast = fast.next.next;
               slow = slow.next;
               if(fast == slow)  return fast;
           return null;
    public ListNode detectCycle(ListNode head) {
           ListNode p = nodeInCycle(head);
           if(p == null) return null;
           ListNode q = head;
           while(p != q) {
               p = p.next;
               q = q.next;
           return p;
    public void removeCycle(ListNode head) {
           ListNode p = nodeInCycle(head);
           if(p == null) return null;
           ListNode q = head;
           while(p.next != q) {
               p = p.next;
               q = q.next;
           p.next = null;



          本文标题:Linked List Cycle II
