To my forever love Corey S.

To my forever love Corey S.

作者: 薄荷Lemon | 来源:发表于2016-04-09 21:16 被阅读0次

Shadow, with his veil drawn, follows Light in secret meekness, with his silent step of love.

Recently I read about an ordinary rural girl with no degree, no money, no good looking, no attracting body shape, encountered her Mr Right at 26 after long years' hard work. All what she has done is to charging herself day by day, year by year. Everyone knows, but one seldom does.

Suddenly it occurred to me that I met my Prince Charming at 25. There absolutely exists one thing in this word called Fate. Everything is so wonderful, everything is just right in the way, not too early, not too late at all. We both would never believe in the destiny until the fact that we go together is reality. You are on my way, and I am on your way, but not any signs emerge in advance.

You wrote me "A Letter to Miss Song" with your heart during the next days, which I could never forget the words forever. Life is full of surprise, uncertainty, happiness, tears, frustrations ... , and that's what life really means. I knocked down your door, you open my heart. 

Coincidence happens in this word. There is an invisible string guiding you and me from different directions to one point. A train has been keeping forwards habitualy or passively, it needs a stop in you and will drive into our future with you together. Telepathy does happens, at least between you and me. Life is strange, all metaphysical concepts, fate, destiny, the god, telepathy, truly exist during days' and months' accompany. 

You said,"Life is perfect, but only when I'm with you." You are wise, smart, positive, visionable, considerate, your philosophy, your personality, your knowlege, your attitude improved me a lot with all my full appreciations, switch our two life to a bright future. If there is the one who affects me most in my life, that is you.

Two persons, hand in hand, step forward, in the light, one person now.

Power said to the world,"You are mine?”

Love said to the world,"I am thine."

Your forever love,

Sarah S.


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      本文标题:To my forever love Corey S.
