First of all, she was very smart and slick, and she was polite to everyone without haughtiness. She accepted everyone’s compliments and respond politely, all of the words are just perfect.

(Here Mrs. Cheveley and Sir Robert Chiltern changed their positions, hinting that she would dominate the next conversation.)
She mentioned Baron Arnheim, but obviously Sir Robert Chiltern didn’t want to talk about him. And them she has a little bit sarcasm, which shows she’s not a bully. Sir Robert Chiltern felt a little embarrassed and he quickly shifted the subject.
When Sir Robert introduced Lord Goring to Mrs. Cheveley, they greeted firstly, stating that they knew each other before. And hinted in the ensuing conversation that they had had unpleasant events. What she said made him very silent, and reflected that she was a man of great mouth.

She made a proposal to him, which shows she was very clever and thoughtful rather than a vase. And she knew what he wanted, and it was very clear that she was prepared a lot before coming.
Next, her explanation for the plan shows that she is very visionary, courageous and confident. And bold enough to present her ideas to him, which the words scared Sir Robert and made him a little angry. This English gentleman seemed can’t control his emotion.

Out of the room, she was still holding on to her thoughts, Sir Robert was a little shaky, and his eyes began to shake. He’s got some heart in the plan. She quickly captured this, indicating that she was a very perceptive person.
She did not change her expression, continued to persuade him, and even began to threaten, what made her so confident is that he had a scandal on her hands. What she said made him flustered. She’s really a manipulative woman.
Her explanation of the scandal was a direct shock to him. She succeeded in blackmailing him, and he was willing to give everything to hide his scandal.
(Mrs. Cheveley and Lord Goring once had a relationship, and they were seemingly they loved each other very much. But he was rich and she was poor, but for some reasons they broke up and she married a man more richer than him, which also shows she was very mean.
When he did not agree to her request, she even went to his house to threaten his wife, only to achieve her own purpose unscrupulous. She exposed everything like a demon, destroying his seemingly perfect family. And her black hat also made her looked like a demon. Then she request that he must answer her before ten.
She hid in the next room and listened to them, and Sir Robert had said that she was a scheming, very cunning woman with a conspiracy. He felt very angry that he had been deceived by them. She said in an innocent tone that she seemed to be causing some commotion, really scheming. In the present words, we called her the scheming little bi*tch. That’s what it’s all about, you know.

She turned her target to Lord Goring, and even took advantage of their previous feelings. She said that she felt in love with him again and asked him to marry her. She can sacrifice everything to reach her goal, even her love and marriage.
She didn’t succeed. What Sir Robert’s speech ruined her plan and she back to Vienna.