
作者: 小渴西林 | 来源:发表于2018-12-16 19:43 被阅读2次

正确率 72/11/48


Lesson 70 Red for danger

First listen and then answer the question.

How was the drunk removed from the ring?

During a bullfight, a drunk suddenly wandered into the middle of the ring.

The crowd began to shout, but the drunk was unaware of the danger.

The bull was busy with the matador at the time, but it suddenly caught sight of the drunk who was shouting rude remarks and waving a red cap.

Apparently sensitive to criticism, the bull forgot all about the matador and charged at the drunk.

The crowd suddenly grew quiet.

The drunk, however, seemed quite sure of himself.

When the bull got close to him, he clumsily stepped aside to let it pass.

The crowd broke into cheers and the drunk bowed.

By this time, however, three men had come into the ring and they quickly dragged the drunk to safety.

Even the bull seemed to feel sorry for him.

For it looked on sympathetically until the drunk was out of the way before once more turning its attention to the matador.

ˈlɛsən 70 rɛd fɔr ˈdeɪnʤər 

fɜrst ˈlɪsən ænd ðɛn ˈænsər ðə ˈkwɛsʧən

haʊ wʌz ðə drʌŋk riˈmuvd frʌm ðə rɪŋ? 

ˈdʊrɪŋ ə ˈbʊlˌfaɪt, ə drʌŋk ˈsʌdənli ˈwɑndərd ˈɪntu ðə ˈmɪdəl ʌv ðə rɪŋ. 

ðə kraʊd bɪˈgæn tu ʃaʊt, bʌt ðə drʌŋk wʌz ˌʌnəˈwɛr ʌv ðə ˈdeɪnʤər. 

ðə bʊl wʌz ˈbɪzi wɪð ðə ˈmætəˌdɔr æt ðə taɪm, bʌt ɪt ˈsʌdənli kɑt saɪt ʌv ðə drʌŋk hu wʌz ˈʃaʊtɪŋ rud rɪˈmɑrks ænd ˈweɪvɪŋ ə rɛdkæp. 

əˈpɛrəntli ˈsɛnsətɪv tu ˈkrɪtɪˌsɪzəm, ðə bʊl fərˈgɑt ɔl əˈbaʊt ðə ˈmætəˌdɔr ænd ʧɑrʤd æt ðə drʌŋk. 

ðə kraʊd ˈsʌdənli gru ˈkwaɪət. 

ðə drʌŋk, ˌhaʊˈɛvər, simd kwaɪt ʃʊr ʌv hɪmˈsɛlf. 

wɛn ðə bʊl gɑt kloʊs tu hɪm, hi ˈklʌmsəli stɛpt əˈsaɪd tu lɛt ɪt pæs. 

ðə kraʊd broʊk ˈɪntu ʧɪrz ænd ðə drʌŋk baʊd

baɪ ðɪs taɪm, ˌhaʊˈɛvər, θri mɛn hæd kʌm ˈɪntu ðə rɪŋ ænd ðeɪ ˈkwɪkli drægd ðə drʌŋk tu ˈseɪfti. 

ˈivɪn ðə bʊl simd tu fil ˈsɑri fɔr hɪm. 

fɔr ɪt lʊkt ɑn ˌsɪmpəˈθɛtɪkəli ənˈtɪl ðə drʌŋk wʌz aʊt ʌv ðə weɪ bɪˈfɔr wʌns mɔr ˈtɜrnɪŋ ɪts əˈtɛnʃən tu ðə ˈmætəˌdɔr.


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