从国际顶级微软BI专家心路历程专访感受Power BI之路

从国际顶级微软BI专家心路历程专访感受Power BI之路

作者: PowerBI战友联盟 | 来源:发表于2017-10-26 01:26 被阅读222次


    和大家一样,我们想听听大师来聊聊关于Power BI的事,那今天这篇要好好读读咯。

    本文来自2017年9月新晋微软Power BI方面MVP德国伙伴Lars Schreibe与Marco Russo的对话记录。该对话记录由Lars Schreibe整理于自己的博客(https://ssbi-blog.de/ 注意:他是德国人,博客是德文的,但本文在文章后部有英文记录),其内容为Lars了解Marco的心路历程。

    相信对Power BI感兴趣的你一定有很多方向和职业的问题想请教大师,那Marco可以算是该领域的国际级大师了,如果你不知道Marco Russo,你可能听过两个“意大利人”教程以及“绿皮书”教程,没错,这些都是Macro的贡献。

    本文翻译一下年轻MVP Lars 与 Marco的对话记录,其实有点像是采访,但其内容是很有意思的。


    1. Power BI的历史
    2. 关于快速度量值你怎么看
    3. 初学者秘笈
    4. 到底选云还是本地
    5. OKViz如何规划的
    6. 大师心中的最强功能是什么
    7. 大师坚定选择Power BI的核心三点原因是什么



    Macro Russo的个人Power BI历程

    Marco has been MVP for Data Platform since 2009, from Turin, Italy. He
    is a business intelligence consultant and mentor and regularly speaks
    at conferences such as TechEd and PASS Summit. Together with Alberto
    Ferrari, he founded SQLBI , the world's best resource for tabular data
    modeling with PowerPivot , Power BI and SQL Server Analysis Services
    Tabular and the DAX language. You can find Marcos personal, BI related
    blog at http://sqlblog.com/blogs/marco_russo .

    Marco自从2009年开始就是微软在数据平台方面的MVP(最有价值专家),他是意大利人,他是BI(商务智能)咨询顾问以及培训师,并且在很多相关的重要会议(TechEd and PASS Summit)作为主要发言人。他和 Alberto Ferrari 一起创立了SQLBI,目前SQLBI是世界范围内关于Power Pivot,Power BI,SQL Server Analysis Services Tabular以及DAX语言最好的资源。


    Hello Marco, I am very happy, that my project is constantly growing.
    Thanks a lot for participating. The last years of using Power BI
    convinced me, this is an amazing product, worth any effort learning
    it. My idea with this post is, to share your story as a Business
    Intelligence expert, who became a Power BI expert and how it changed
    your professional life. Let’s go

    我很高兴我们的项目在稳定增长,感谢您的支持。最近几年使用Power BI越来越让我认识到这个产品有多牛,再怎么努力学都不为过。今天咱们的主题就是请Macro您来分享下您个人的故事,关于BI方面,您是如何成为Power BI专家以及Power BI给您带来了怎样的改变。我们开始吧。

    Lars: Can you remember, when you first heard about Power BI/ Power
    Excel Add-Ins? How did you get in contact with Power BI?

    Lars:您还记得您第一次是什么时候接触Power BI或Excel中有关Power系列的插件的吗?

    Marco: I used the first version of Power Pivot in August 2009. It was
    called Gemini at that time, and I didn’t realize immediately what
    would have been its impact in the long term. But at PASS Summit in
    Seattle the same year, talking with people of the development team, I
    realized that it was something big.

    Marco:我在2009年8月就开始使用Power Pivot的第一个版本,那时Power Pivot叫 Gemini,当时谁能想到这个东西会有怎样的长期影响。但同年在西雅图举办的PASS大会上,我与开发组的成员交流后,我意识到:要出大事了

    I heard about Power BI in 2014, it was the natural evolution of Power
    Pivot, but my concern was the speed of release. When they told “we
    will release a new version every month” I said, “I will believe it
    only after one year you will do that every month”. I was skeptical,
    but it worked well!

    我在2014年才听说到Power BI,它其实是Power Pivot的一种自然进化,而我当时关心的是Power BI更新的速度。当时他们说“我们将每月更新一次”,我说,“好,那要等一年看看是不是能做到”,而结果是,确实如此,真的做到了。

    Lars: DAX looks easy at first sight, especially because the syntax is
    close to the Excel language. But the whole evaluation context thing is
    a lot harder to understand. Additionally, before you write your first
    line of DAX, you have to model your data. Do you think it is
    realistic, that many analysts, who are now doing their daily work with
    Excel, will create their own data models and write DAX measures in
    near future? Or in other words: Do you think the term Self-Service BI
    is mainly marketing?


    Marco: I would separate the answers. If you asked in 1984 whether it
    was realistic that every person in accounting would use a spreadsheet,
    you would have heard a big “no”. Today we take for granted that on a
    mobile phone we can view and edit a spreadsheet. Different users have
    different degrees of knowledge of the formula language required, but
    anyone can create simple formulas.


    In certain job roles, a deep knowledge of Excel features is a
    requirement. Now, when a table is not enough, what are the
    alternatives? Creating a semantic model is a powerful tool, but it
    requires skills that we still think are for DBAs or BI Developers
    (e.g. data modeling). But many users can learn what they need to
    manage multiple tables, and they can refine that over time.


    Do users who write Excel macros consider themselves “developer”? No.
    But they write code. Thus, Power BI users create data models. If you
    need to analyze data, in 10 years data modeling will be a required
    skill, at least for the basics.

    是不是写了Excel的宏就可以说是开发者了?不是的。但他们确实也是写的代码。因此,Power BI用户创建模型也一样(这不属于开发)。如果你需要在未来10年中涉及分析数据,那数据建模将是必备能力,至少需要会一些基础的。

    What about self-service BI? Call it marketing, but we always need a
    “vision”, a roadmap. I don’t think that 100% of users consuming data
    will create models just because they have a self-service BI tool. But
    it’s a matter of fact that many users create their own reports, a
    smaller number of users customize calculations, and a niche of them
    create semantic models. They are all using “self-service BI” or
    whatever other name you use, at different levels. Just like there are
    many different types of Excel users.


    Lars: Quick measures were introduced in Power BI Desktop in April 2017
    and aim to simplify the creation of measures. Do you think Quick
    Measures are a proper way to overcome the complexity of the DAX

    Lars:Power BI Desktop在2017年4月的更新中推出了快速度量值以便于简化度量值的创建。您认为人们可以使用快速度量值而不绕过复杂的DAX语言吗?

    Marco: I have conflicting feelings here. I understand the purpose of
    Quick Measures. I don’t like its current implementation. There are too
    many limitations, the workarounds could break the calculations (e.g.
    enabling auto Date/Time when you have a custom Date table just to use
    Quick Measures over dates).


    It is a feature that could help the occasional user, but they are not
    enough for more advanced ones. I know that Microsoft is working on
    that, but I would prefer a completely different approach. A DAX
    measure is simpler if the data model is well designed. Trying to work
    around a bad data model just increase the complexity of the DAX code


    A much better solution would be an interaction between data model and
    DAX measure that allow to consider both parts of the problem to
    wizards/templates defined to solve the very same problems that the
    Quick Measures try to solve. Enabling user to write common
    calculations in an easy and safe way. Thus, you can look at Quick
    Measures, but they are not increasing productivity of advanced users,
    and don’t solve all the problems to newbies. There is a lot of work to
    do in that area.


    Lars: Alberto and you have many offers for people willing to learn
    tabular DataModeling and DAX at SQLBI. From books, to in-persona
    trainings and video courses. Can you tell the reader something about
    that? From newbie to professional: With which of your products should
    I start and end?


    Marco: Our mission is to transfer knowledge and accelerate the
    adoption of a new technology. We do that providing books, video
    courses, classroom courses, conferences, and consulting. We offer
    these services on our website, www.sqlbi.com, which hosts our
    production of free articles, whitepapers, and tools. We also have a
    free video course, Introduction to DAX, which is our suggestion to
    start learning DAX. The road to learn DAX also require some data
    modeling experience. We have a dedicated web page that suggest the
    learning path depending on the products used. We will update and
    improve that page in the new website that will be ready before the end
    of 2017.


    Lars: From your professional experience as a trainer, what is the most
    common mistake, students make when learning DAX? Can you tell us how
    to avoid that?


    Marco: The most common mistake is trying to learn by example. The only
    complexity of the DAX is that there are a few abstract concepts that
    are unique to this language and do not exists in any other one.


    The notion of filter context and context transition is a brilliant
    solution to a complex problem. Basically, it is simple to explain and
    to learn, but it takes time to digest because it is different from
    everything else you already know. I have seen very smart developers
    and seasoned BI developers doing the same mistake.


    You will save a lot of time if you accept that there could be a new
    concept that you have never seen before. I have seen a similar issue
    with the introduction of object oriented programming. Some developers
    who wanted to explain a new concept using the old syntax were in
    trouble. There was something “hidden” that was not working as they
    expect. Once you accept that there could be something new to learn,
    you are good to go.


    Lars: In my experience many customers are refusing the cloud as the
    place for their business data. At least in Germany that’s a big issue.
    But sharing data with Power BI on premise, requires Power BI Report
    Server, which is pretty expensive. How do your clients usually deal
    with the cloud topic and how do you handle that?

    Lars:很多客户其实不希望把他们的数据存在云上。至少在德国是这样的。但是如果采用本地部署方案,就需要Power BI Report Server,这个好贵啊。您的客户是怎样处理的以及您会怎么做?

    Marco: I am in a biased position. My customers call us because they
    already adopted Analysis Services or Power BI. Usually, I do not
    participate to the presales discussion involving choices between
    on-premises and cloud options. I know that there are companies that
    want to keep data on premises, and companies that want to go to the

    Marco:在这方面我并不倾向哪一种。我们客户基本是已经在使用分析服务或Power BI的人。所以他们其实已经要么在本地,要么在云端,我们基本不参与影响客户如何选择本地或云方案的过程。

    My point of view about this is that in the long run, all the companies
    will go to the cloud, with small exceptions: military and certain
    government agencies. These exceptions will probably run the same cloud
    technologies on-premises in a controlled and isolated environment.
    Outside these exceptions, the question is not if but when. The reason
    is a good one: money. Managing the same service at scale in the cloud
    is less expensive, once you compute the total cost of ownership. The
    time for the cloud adoption will vary based on differences in markets,
    culture, policy, laws, bandwidth, skills, and probably much else. But
    this will happen. For the same reason why companies no longer develop
    their own operating system, their own compiler, their own ERP, and so


    We can learn from the short history of computer science that what
    seemed impossible to change in a decade, was completely outdated a few
    years later. I see that technology adoption in Europe has a much more
    conservative approach than in other continents. But I do not see a
    single technology that has been adopted in United States but not in
    Europe (maybe years later). Well, Europe skipped cable TV going
    straight to satellite TV. But it is probably the exception that proves
    the rule.


    Lars: With SQLBI you founded OKViz some time ago and provide your own
    custom visualizations. How critical to Power BI’s success is the fact
    that the visualizations are open source and can be developed from
    everybody who is technically capable?

    Lars:我们发现除了SQLBI,你们还成立了OKViz,专门提供自定义可视化。Power BI自定义可视化是开源的,这是Power BI成功的重要因素,只要懂相关技术就可以做吗?

    Marco: With OKViz, we created a brand for custom visualizations. As of
    today, it is a “pure startup”, because it has costs without producing
    any revenue. The marketplace is not ready, the platform is not ready,
    and custom visuals are second class citizen by now. Hopefully this
    will change, and OKViz will be able to increase the production of
    custom visuals once there will be the conditions for a sustainable
    economic model.


    At the moment, custom visuals are an important tool for Power BI
    success, but in terms of real adoption, native visualizations are much
    more used. The biggest challenges are versioning, support, and
    automatic updates. Creating a stable platform for custom visuals in an
    environment that evolves every month is incredibly hard. We can easily
    see the bugs, but not the amount of hidden work to sustain that.

    就目前来看,自定义可视化对Power BI的成功来说确实是重要的工具,但在实际使用方面,内置的可视化用得更多,最大的问题就是版本升级以及自动更新。来应对每个月的升级提供相应的自定义可视化产品升级很难,很容易就会出现问题,在这背后需要大量的工作。

    I am optimist for custom visuals in Power BI if this will create a
    true marketplace. I am skeptical about enabling anyone to create
    custom visuals. We will never see Power BI users writing
    visualizations just as an Excel user writes a macro. What is possible
    is enabling an existing developer to create custom visuals for Power
    BI. The open source is a very relative advantage. The entire platform
    is not open source, you cannot extend the code of the platform, you
    can just copy and adapt other custom visuals. Native visuals are
    written without using the custom visuals platform, so you cannot
    derive custom visuals from native visuals.

    如果在Power BI的自定义可视化领域确实有市场,我们会加大力度。我觉得不可能让任何人都能创建自定义可视化。我们不会让Power BI的用户去写自定义可视化就像没指望Excel用户去写宏。可能一部分开发人员会进来做有关Power BI的自定义可视化。自定义可视化的开源在一定意义上是有优势的,如果平台不开源,那就无法扩展平台的能力,你只能使用已有的东西。而目前默认的内置可视化并没有采用开源的策略,导致我们不能从内置可视化来扩展,只能完全重新构建。

    To recap: I believe custom visuals are extremely important, and we
    invested a lot on them. However, I would not sell custom visual as
    something that any Power BI user can adapt according to any specific
    requirement. Learning curve to write custom visuals is not so quick.


    Lars: If you could ask for a new feature in Power BI (what everyone
    can via ideas.powerbi.com) what would that be?

    Lars:如果让您在Power BI社区提一个最希望的新功能,您会提什么?

    Marco: My number one is opening API to interact with Power BI Desktop.
    Let me ask the vote for this:

    Marco:我最希望的是Power BI Desktop可以开放API。我已经在这里投票:https://ideas.powerbi.com/forums/265200-power-bi-ideas/suggestions/7345565-power-bi-designer-api

    This feature would enable the creation of many new tools and


    Lars: Could you name 3 things about Power BI, which make it a great

    Lars:如果说Power BI是很棒的产品,只能选三个优点,您会选什么?

    Marco: • Free access to almost all of the features to start a proof
    of concept. • Integration between Query Editor (M), data model (DAX)
    and visualization. • Computing power of the engine: it is very hard
    to find something faster on the market.


    Marco, thank you, Alberto, Daniele and all your colleagues behind the
    scenes, for all the great posts, books, products and community work. I
    know, there are many people out there (including myself) who are very
    thankful for all the work you do. To get in touch with Marco, please
    use the following website.


    完。(翻译 by bi@excel120)

    来自 https://ssbi-blog.de/power-bi-journeys/die-persoenliche-power-bi-journey-von-marco-russo-in-english-as-well/





    1. Power BI是一个几经考量而进化来的产品,并有强大社区支持,将继续进化。
    2. 近十年时间说明大数据仍处于概念阶段,而商务智能,尤其是人人可用的自助式商务智能会先于大数据登门数据时代舞台,成为重要角色。
    3. 初学者如何快速学好Power BI的本质在于驾驭DAX的抽象性以及用空杯心理接受DAX的全新概念,切勿猜测或带有过往经验判断。
    4. SQLBI.com提供了一套免费的《DAX入门》视频教程,大家可以在www.sqlbi.com的在线培训中免费获取。当然,该视频只能在线播放,但配备了英文字幕。
    5. Power BI(Desktop)有很大优化和想象空间,微软的数据工具不是工具,而是一个全新的大生态,我们只不过是在这个数据生态中生活工作而已。

    Power BI是现代自助式商务智能的落地体现,掌握Power BI及数据建模,将帮助我们在数据时代降维攻击停留在原来时代的人和企业。





        本文标题:从国际顶级微软BI专家心路历程专访感受Power BI之路
