A month ago, one of my friend send me a link of his blog- He kept post English articles about his work, life and experience as a freelancer. And yes, he is my mentee(the 1st one and the only mentee at this moment), we are learning and having fun in the same toastmaster club.
And several months ago, one day occasionally, i found a girl who's currently working and living in the US, kept post English articles and doodles in this platform.
Inspired by them two, i decided to register and start the journey of recording my life here in English. The first thing is to recording, then to practise my English writing. Not sure how long i will stick here, but i hope one day when i look back, i can find the trace of my life here. I will do my best.
The 1st thing i'd like to record here is, i had dinner with a friend after work yesterday, and she informed me the good news of her marriage! I always thought the best way to get along with a friend is to keep some safety distance. We dont have to share everything with him or her, we dont need to meet everyday, we can have our own private space, we can hold different views or ideas toward things, as long as we are heading the same direction and we are comfortable with each other. But sometimes you have to admit it's magic that you are fated to be friends with someone- with no reason. Dont need to talk much, dont need to meet each other many times, you two just becomes friends.
I hold this feeling toward my friend when she told me she's get married recently in the US. So happy and so excited, a bit shocked but calm down quickly. It's not an easy thing for them to be together and make the decision to get married, even though i dont know much details about my friend and her partner, i dont have to! I feel so happy for them- from the bottom of my heart. And this super awesome news was definitely light up my day, i couldn't help to keep the excitement till today!
That's the magic of love and magic of friendship, when you keep caring about others, when you feel real happy for your friends of their good news, you can get the happiness too!
I would congratulations to my friends once again! and i feel so happy and so proud of them!