

作者: 一抓干纸屑 | 来源:发表于2021-06-22 00:06 被阅读0次


        I don't have friends .I am work alone outside like many other people. I don't need any sympathy either。How many times do you have kill yourself inyour mind? Actually I don't know yours,but I know mine.Utill now,maybe that think appear more ten times in my mind ,and it won't stop.If one day ,it can be ture in my life , I can't image how that screen can be.If I dead before my parents in the future,how they angry and sad I think. In our social cognition,If you look very normal but you still kill yourself,people only think you might be think too much than others。They will think you just too impulse to take your own life。On my opinion , it might be right or not。Something sick on you is no one can understand,when you dead no other persons feel sadness only our parents ,maybe even your parents haven't any feeling,what would you think?More depression?or realease?I think you will be excited that your parents and who familiar with you very much regret they had done to you。Yeah,for me,I would be very happy for this.


        So keep alive,even you don't have any ambitions.You have  to see it we all the same and we all feel pain sometimes. I  promise  you ,I will do my best to keep alive no matter how difficult trap I'm in.

          I don't won't anyone think on me I'm sick.


          I realized something today.

          I'm not person ,you shouldn't be here 。

          I am not here .

          You may see me。

          But I am hollow.



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