

作者: _凌浩雨 | 来源:发表于2019-02-23 09:55 被阅读1次

    1. 字符串原语指令

    String Primitive Instructions.png
    • 使用重复前缀
    Repeat Prefix.png
    • 复制字符串
    cld                     ; clear direction flag
    mov esi,OFFSET string1  ; ESI points to source
    mov edi,OFFSET string2  ; EDI points to target
    mov ecx,10              ; set counter to 10
    rep movsb               ; move 10 bytes
    • 方向标志
    CLD ; clear Direction flag (forward direction)
    STD ; set Direction flag (reverse direction)
    Direction Flag Usage in String Primitive Instructions.png


    MOVSB, MOVSW, and MOVSD.png
    • 示例:复制DWORD数组
        source DWORD 20 DUP(0FFFFFFFFh)
        target DWORD 20 DUP(?)
        cld                         ; direction = forward
        mov ecx,LENGTHOF source     ; set REP counter
        mov esi,OFFSET source       ; ESI points to source
        mov edi,OFFSET target       ; EDI points to target
        rep movsd                   ; copy doublewords

    CMPSB, CMPSW 和 CMPSD指将ESI指向的每个内存操作数都与EDI指向的内存操作数进行比较。

    CMPSB, CMPSW, and CMPSD.png
    • 示例:比较DWORD
        source DWORD 1234h
        target DWORD 5678h
        mov esi,OFFSET source
        mov edi,OFFSET target
        cld                         ; direction = forward
        mov ecx,LENGTHOF source     ; repetition counter
        repe cmpsd                  ; repeat while equal

    SCASB, SCASW和SCASD将AL / AX / EAX中的值分别与EDI寻址的字节,字或双字进行比较。这个指令可用在在字符串或者数组中查找单个字符。

    • 示例:扫描匹配字符
        alpha BYTE "ABCDEFGH",0
        mov edi,OFFSET alpha    ; EDI points to the string
        mov al,'F'              ; search for the letter F
        mov ecx,LENGTHOF alpha  ; set the search count
        cld                     ; direction = forward
        repne scasb             ; repeat while not equal
        jnz quit                ; quit if letter not found
        dec edi                 ; found: back up EDI

    STOSB, STOSW 和 STOSD指令将AL / AX / EAX的内容分别存储在EDI指向的偏移量的内存中。

        Count = 100
        string1 BYTE Count DUP(?)
        mov al,0FFh             ; value to be stored
        mov edi,OFFSET string1  ; EDI points to target
        mov ecx,Count           ; character count
        cld                     ; direction = forward
        rep stosb               ; fill with contents of AL

    LODSB, LODSW 和 LODSD指令将ESI中的内存中的字节或字分别加载到AL / AX / EAX中。

    • 示例:数组元素乘法
    ; 数组元素乘法
    INCLUDE Irvine32.inc
        array DWORD 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10   ; 测试数据
        multiplier DWORD 10
    main PROC
        cld                     ; direction = forward
        mov esi, OFFSET array   ; 数组首地址
        mov edi, esi            ; 目标序号
        mov ecx, LENGTHOF array ; 循环计数
        lodsd                   ; 加载[ESI]到EAX
        mul multiplier          ; 乘每个数据
        stosd                   ; 保存EAX到[EDI]
        LOOP L1             
        call Crlf
        call WaitMsg
    main ENDP

    2. 字符串处理程序

    ; Copy a source string to a target string.
    Str_copy PROTO,
        source:PTR BYTE,
        target:PTR BYTE
    ; Return the length of a string (excluding the null byte) in EAX.
    Str_length PROTO,
        pString:PTR BYTE
    ; Compare string1 to string2. Set the Zero and
    ; Carry flags in the same way as the CMP instruction.
    Str_compare PROTO,
        string1:PTR BYTE,
        string2:PTR BYTE
    ; Trim a given trailing character from a string.
    ; The second argument is the character to trim.
    Str_trim PROTO,
        pString:PTR BYTE,
    ; Convert a string to upper case.
    Str_ucase PROTO,
        pString:PTR BYTE
    1). Str_compare 程序
    • 格式
    INVOKE Str_compare, ADDR string1, ADDR string2


    Flags Affected by the Str_compare Procedure.png
    • 程序源码
    Str_compare PROC USES eax edx esi edi,
        string1:PTR BYTE,
        string2:PTR BYTE
    ; Compares two strings.
    ; Returns nothing, but the Zero and Carry flags are affected
    ; exactly as they would be by the CMP instruction.
        mov esi,string1
        mov edi,string2
        L1: mov al,[esi]
        mov dl,[edi]
        cmp al,0        ; end of string1?
        jne L2          ; no
        cmp dl,0        ; yes: end of string2?
        jne L2          ; no
        jmp L3          ; yes, exit with ZF = 1
        L2: inc esi     ; point to next
        inc edi
        cmp al,dl       ; characters equal?
        je L1           ; yes: continue loop
                        ; no: exit with flags set
        L3: ret
    Str_compare ENDP
    2). Str_length 程序

    Str_length 程序将字符串的长度存储在EAX寄存器中返回,调用它的时候通过字符串的首地址。

    INVOKE Str_length, ADDR myString
    • 程序源码
    Str_length PROC USES edi,
        pString:PTR BYTE        ; pointer to string
        mov edi,pString
        mov eax,0 ; character count
        cmp BYTE PTR[edi],0     ; end of string?
        je L2                   ; yes: quit
        inc edi                 ; no: point to next
        inc eax                 ; add 1 to count
        jmp L1
    Str_length ENDP
    3). Str_copy 程序

    Str_copy 程序从源字符串复制一个以空值终止的字符串到目标字符串。当调用这个程序的时候,你必须给目标字符串一个足够大的字节数为复制字符串。

    INVOKE Str_copy, ADDR source, ADDR target
    • 程序源码
    Str_copy PROC USES eax ecx esi edi,
        source:PTR BYTE, ; source string
        target:PTR BYTE ; target string
    ; Copies a string from source to target.
    ; Requires: the target string must contain enough
    ; space to hold a copy of the source string.
        INVOKE Str_length,source    ; EAX = length source
        mov ecx,eax                 ; REP count
        inc ecx                     ; add 1 for null byte
        mov esi,source
        mov edi,target
        cld                         ; direction = forward
        rep movsb                   ; copy the string
    Str_copy ENDP
    4). Str_trim程序

    Str_trim 程序从一个以空值终止的字符串中移除所有出现的选定尾随字符。

    INVOKE Str_trim, ADDR string, char_to_trim
    • 源代码
    ; Str_trim
    ; Remove all occurrences of a given delimiter
    ; character from the end of a string.
    ; Returns: nothing
    Str_trim PROC USES eax ecx edi,
        pString:PTR BYTE,       ; points to string
        char: BYTE              ; character to remove
        mov edi,pString         ; prepare to call Str_length
        INVOKE Str_length,edi   ; returns the length in EAX
        cmp eax,0               ; is the length equal to zero?
        je L3                   ; yes: exit now
        mov ecx,eax             ; no: ECX = string length
        dec eax
        add edi,eax             ; point to last character
        mov al,[edi]            ; get a character
        cmp al,char             ; is it the delimiter?
        jne L2                  ; no: insert null byte
        dec edi                 ; yes: keep backing up
        loop L1                 ; until beginning reached
        mov BYTE PTR [edi+1],0  ; insert a null byte
    Stmr_trim ENDP
    Testing the Str_trim Procedure with a # Delimiter Character.png
    5). Str_ucase 程序

    Str_ucase 程序转换字符串全部为大写字符。无返回值。当调用它的时候,需要传递字符串的地址。

    INVOKE Str_ucase, ADDR myString
    • 源码
    ; Str_ucase
    ; Converts a null-terminated string to uppercase.
    ; Returns: nothing
    Str_ucase PROC USES eax esi,
        pString:PTR BYTE
        mov esi,pString
        mov al,[esi]    ; get char
        cmp al,0        ; end of string?
        je L3           ; yes: quit
        cmp al,'a'      ; below "a"?
        jb L2
        cmp al,'z'      ; above "z"?
        ja L2
        and BYTE PTR [esi],11011111b ; convert the char
        inc esi         ; next char
        jmp L1
    Str_ucase ENDP
    6). 字符串示例
    ; 字符串示例
    INCLUDE Irvine32.inc
        string_1 BYTE "abcde////",0
        string_2 BYTE "ABCDE",0
        msg0 BYTE "string_1 in upper case: ",0
        msg1 BYTE "string_1 and string_2 are equal",0
        msg2 BYTE "string_1 is less than string_2",0
        msg3 BYTE "string_2 is less than string_1",0
        msg4 BYTE "Length of string_2 is ",0
        msg5 BYTE "string_1 after trimming: ",0
    main PROC
        call trim_string
        call upper_case
        call compare_strings
        call print_length
        call Crlf
        call WaitMsg
    main ENDP
    trim_string PROC
        ; 从string_1移除选定的尾随字符
        INVOKE Str_trim, ADDR string_1, '/'
        mov edx, OFFSET msg5
        call WriteString
        mov edx, OFFSET string_1
        call WriteString
        call Crlf
    trim_string ENDP
    upper_case PROC
        ; 将string_1转换为大写
        mov edx, OFFSET msg0
        call WriteString
        INVOKE str_ucase, ADDR string_1
        mov edx, OFFSET string_1
        call WriteString
        call Crlf
    upper_case ENDP
    compare_strings PROC
        ; 比较string_1 和 string_2
        INVOKE Str_compare, ADDR string_1, ADDR string_2
        .IF ZERO?
            mov edx, OFFSET msg1
        .ELSEIF CARRY?
            mov edx, OFFSET msg2        ; string 1 is less than ...
            mov edx, OFFSET msg3        ; string 2 is less than ...
        call WriteString
        call Crlf
    compare_strings ENDP
    print_length PROC
        ; 显示string_2的长度
        mov edx, OFFSET msg4
        call WriteString
        INVOKE Str_length, ADDR string_2
        call WriteDec
        call Crlf
    print_length ENDP
    String Library Demo.png
    7). Irvine64库中字符串程序
    String Procedures in the Irvine64 Library.png
    • Str_compare
    ; -------------------------------------------------
    ; Str_compare
    ; Compares two strings
    ; Receives: RSI points to the source string
    ; RDI points to the target string
    ; Returns: Sets ZF if the strings are equal
    ; Sets CF if source < target
    ; -------------------------------------------------
    Str_compare PROC USES rax rdx rsi rdi
        mov al,[rsi]
        mov dl,[rdi]
        cmp al,0        ; end of string1?
        jne L2          ; no
        cmp dl,0        ; yes: end of string2?
        jne L2          ; no
        jmp L3          ; yes, exit with ZF = 1
        inc rsi         ; point to next
        inc rdi
        cmp al,dl       ; chars equal?
        je L1           ; yes: continue loop
        ; no: exit with flags set
    Str_compare ENDP
    • Str_copy
    ; Str_copy
    ; Copies a string
    ; Receives: RSI points to the source string
    ; RDI points to the target string
    ; Returns: nothing
    Str_copy PROC USES rax rcx rsi rdi
        mov rcx,rsi     ; get length of source string
        call Str_length ; returns length in RAX
        mov rcx,rax     ; loop counter
        inc rcx         ; add 1 for null byte
        cld             ; direction = up
        rep movsb       ; copy the string
    Str_copy ENDP
    • Str_length
    ; Str_length
    ; Gets the length of a string
    ; Receives: RCX points to the string
    ; Returns: length of string in RAX
    Str_length PROC USES rdi
        mov rdi,rcx             ; get pointer
        mov eax,0               ; character count
        cmp BYTE PTR [rdi],0    ; end of string?
        je L2                   ; yes: quit
        inc rdi                 ; no: point to next
        inc rax                 ; add 1 to count
        jmp L1
        ret                     ; return count in RAX
    Str_length ENDP
    • 测试程序
    ; 测试Irvine64库字符串程序
    Str_compare PROTO
    Str_length PROTO
    Str_copy PROTO
    ExitProcess PROTO
        source BYTE "AABCDEFGAABCDEFG", 0
        target BYTE 20 DUP(0)
    main PROC
        mov rcx, offset source
        call Str_length             ; 在EAX中返回字符串长度
        mov rsi, offset source
        mov rdi, offset target
        call Str_copy               ; 复制字符串
        call Str_compare            ; ZF = 1, 字符串相等
        ; 改变目标字符串中第一个字符,并再一次比较
        mov target, 'B'
        call str_compare            ; CF = 1, source < target
        mov ecx, 0
        call ExitProcess
    main ENDP

    3. 二维数组

    1). 行和列的排序


    Row-major and column-major ordering.png
    2). Base-Index 操作数


    [base + index]


        array WORD 1000h,2000h,3000h
        mov ebx,OFFSET array
        mov esi,2
        mov ax,[ebx+esi] ; AX = 2000h
        mov edi,OFFSET array
        mov ecx,4
        mov ax,[edi+ecx] ; AX = 3000h
        mov ebp,OFFSET array
        mov esi,0
        mov ax,[ebp+esi] ; AX = 1000h
    • 二维数组
    ; 三行无列的数组
    tableB BYTE 10h, 20h, 30h, 40h, 50h
    Rowsize = ($ - tableB)
        BYTE 60h, 70h, 80h, 90h, 0A0h
        BYTE 0B0h, 0C0h, 0D0h, 0E0h, 0F0h
    ; 获取数据方式
    row_index = 1
    column_index = 2
    mov ebx,OFFSET tableB ; table offset
    add ebx,RowSize * row_index ; row offset
    mov esi,column_index
    mov al,[ebx + esi] ; AL = 80h
    Addressing an array with a base-index operand.png
    • 计算列的和
    ; calc_row_sum
    ; Calculates the sum of a row in a byte matrix.
    ; Receives: EBX = table offset, EAX = row index,
    ; ECX = row size, in bytes.
    ; Returns: EAX holds the sum.
    calc_row_sum PROC USES ebx ecx edx esi
        mul ecx                         ; row index * row size
        add ebx,eax                     ; row offset
        mov eax,0                       ; accumulator
        mov esi,0                       ; column index
        movzx edx,BYTE PTR[ebx + esi]   ; get a byte
        add eax,edx                     ; add to accumulator
        inc esi                          ; next byte in row
        loop L1
    calc_row_sum ENDP
    • 缩放因子
    ; 其中TYPE tableW的值为2,即缩放因子。
        tableW WORD 10h, 20h, 30h, 40h, 50h
        RowsizeW = ($ - tableW)
             WORD 60h, 70h, 80h, 90h, 0A0h
             WORD 0B0h, 0C0h, 0D0h, 0E0h, 0F0h
        row_index = 1
        column_index = 2
        mov ebx,OFFSET tableW           ; table offset
        add ebx,RowSizeW * row_index    ; row offset
        mov esi,column_index
        mov ax,[ebx + esi*TYPE tableW]  ; AX = 0080h
    3). Base-Index-Displacement 操作数

    Base-Index-Displacement 操作数联合移位,基寄存器,索引寄存器和一个可选的缩放因子产生一个有效的地址。

    [base + index + displacement]
    displacement[base + index]


        tableD DWORD 10h, 20h, 30h, 40h, 50h
        Rowsize = ($ - tableD)
         DWORD 60h, 70h, 80h, 90h, 0A0h
         DWORD 0B0h, 0C0h, 0D0h, 0E0h, 0F0h
        mov ebx,Rowsize         ; row index
        mov esi,2               ; column index
        mov eax,tableD[ebx + esi*TYPE tableD]
    Base-index-displacement example.png
    4). 64位中的Base-Index操作数
    ; 64位下的二维数组
    Crlf PROTO
    WriteInt64 PROTO
    ExitProcess PROTO
        table QWORD 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
        RowSize = ($ - table)
            QWORD 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
            QWORD 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
    main PROC
        ; base-index-displacement 操作数
        mov rax, 1              ; 行索引
        mov rsi, 4              ; 列索引
        call get_tableVal       ; 返回值给RAX
        call WriteInt64         ; 显示
        call Crlf
        mov ecx, 0              ; 结束程序
        call ExitProcess
    main ENDP
    ; get_tableVal
    ; Returns the array value at a given row and column
    ; in a two-dimensional array of quadwords.
    ; Receives: RAX = row number, RSI = column number
    ; Returns: value in RAX
    get_tableVal PROC USES rbx
        mov rbx, RowSize
        mul rbx                 ; 结果存放在RAX中
        mov rax, table[rax + rsi * TYPE table]
    get_tableVal ENDP

    4. 搜索和排序整型数组

    1). 冒泡排序


    First pass through an array (bubble sort).png


    Average running time.png
    • 代码
    ; BubbleSort
    ; Sort an array of 32-bit signed integers in ascending
    ; order, using the bubble sort algorithm.
    ; Receives: pointer to array, array size
    ; Returns: nothing
    BubbleSort PROC USES eax ecx esi,
        pArray:PTR DWORD,   ; pointer to array
        Count:DWORD         ; array size
        mov ecx,Count
        dec ecx             ; decrement count by 1
        push ecx            ; save outer loop count
        mov esi,pArray      ; point to first value
        mov eax,[esi]       ; get array value
        cmp [esi+4],eax     ; compare a pair of values
        jg L3               ; if [ESI] <= [ESI+4], no exchange
        xchg eax,[esi+4]    ; exchange the pair
        mov [esi],eax
        add esi,4           ; move both pointers forward
        loop L2             ; inner loop
        pop ecx             ; retrieve outer loop count
        loop L1             ; else repeat outer loop
    BubbleSort ENDP
    2). 二叉树搜索

    在搜索大型数组中的单个项目时,二叉树搜索算法特别有效。 它有一个重要的前提条件:数组元素必须按升序或降序排列。

    Maximum Comparisons for Sequential and Binary Search.png
    ; BinarySearch
    ; Searches an array of signed integers for a single value.
    ; Receives: Pointer to array, array size, search value.
    ; Returns: If a match is found, EAX = the array position of the
    ; matching element; otherwise, EAX = -1.
    BinarySearch PROC USES ebx edx esi edi,
        pArray:PTR DWORD, ; pointer to array
        Count:DWORD, ; array size
        searchVal:DWORD ; search value
        LOCAL first:DWORD, ; first position
            last:DWORD, ; last position
            mid:DWORD ; midpoint
        mov first,0 ; first = 0
        mov eax,Count ; last = (count - 1)
        dec eax
        mov last,eax
        mov edi,searchVal ; EDI = searchVal
        mov ebx,pArray ; EBX points to the array
        ; while first <= last
        mov eax,first
        cmp eax,last
        jg L5 ; exit search
        ; mid = (last + first) / 2
        mov eax,last
        add eax,first
        shr eax,1
        mov mid,eax
        ; EDX = values[mid]
        mov esi,mid
        shl esi,2 ; scale mid value by 4
        mov edx,[ebx+esi] ; EDX = values[mid]
        ; if ( EDX < searchval(EDI) )
        cmp edx,edi
        jge L2
        ; first = mid + 1
        mov eax,mid
        inc eax
        mov first,eax
        jmp L4
        ; else if( EDX > searchVal(EDI) )
        cmp edx,edi ; optional
        jle L3
        ; last = mid - 1
        mov eax,mid
        dec eax
        mov last,eax
        jmp L4
        ; else return mid
        mov eax,mid ; value found
        jmp L9 ; return (mid)
        jmp L1 ; continue the loop
        mov eax,-1 ; search failed
    BinarySearch ENDP



