每日一词 108 | boil down to

每日一词 108 | boil down to

作者: 枫林悦读_Diana | 来源:发表于2019-02-20 20:26 被阅读0次

1. 认识这个词(基础篇)

词:boil down to

英英释义:to be the main reason for something or the most basic part of something

例句:Big, sweeping life changes really boil down to small, everyday decisions.

2. 体会这个词 (进阶篇)

“boil down to”是个出现频率很高的实用表达,可以用在口语和写作中。它的意思是“一个问题的主要原因是、归根结底是”,如同熬一锅汤,煮时间长了水分就会减少,只留下最重要最本质的东西。当我们想表示一个事件的本质时,就可以用到它。

比如我们想说主要问题是缺钱,就可以用 boil down to something 造句:

The problem boils down to one thing: lack of money. (这里的冒号也可以换成破折号,或者也可以直接说成 The problem boils down to lack of money.)

亚马逊 CEO 杰夫·贝佐斯曾在一次毕业典礼中说“In the end, we are our choices.“ 我们可以用 boil down to 来改写这句话:

Ultimately, who we are boils down to our choices.

美国一位减肥比赛节目冠军 Ali Vincent 说过一句类似的话:

Big, sweeping life changes really boil down to small, everyday decisions.

我们在口语中可以常用 It all boils down to 这个简单句型,表示“归根结底就一件事儿“,比如:

It boils down to one thing: who you know in this business.

It boils down to one question: do you really want to learn English well?

It boils down to a simple question: do you really love me?

The question will always boil down to: who pays for the extra cost, and takes the initial risk? (来自《经济学人》,在讨论市场机制、监管等话题的文章中直接使用)

和 boil down to 类似的常见同义表达是 come down to,在掌握了 boil down to 的用法之后,可以学习一下 come down to 的用法。

3. 从认识到会用(作业)



(参考翻译:The argument boils down to ethics rather than laws.)


场景: 他从来不主动约你,归根结底还是因为没那么喜欢你。

造句:Stop finding excuses for him.Think about why he had never ask you out,all it boils down to is the truth that he is not that into you.



      本文标题:每日一词 108 | boil down to
