2019-08-05 每日10分钟商务英语口语--学习记录(电子

2019-08-05 每日10分钟商务英语口语--学习记录(电子

作者: 魔君BYL | 来源:发表于2019-08-05 13:00 被阅读0次


    1. take into consideration 顾忌,考虑到

    2. E-purchase 电子采购

    3. on line 在线

    4. feedback 反馈意见

    5. attractive 有吸引力的

    6. hit 电计

    7. e-payment 电子支付

    8. competitive 有竞争力的

    9. delivery 送货

    10. market segmentation 市场细分

    11. trade on line 网上交易

    12. cut down the expenditure 消减费用


    1. People can apply on line. 人们可以从网上申请开户。

    2. Our new website is very attractive. 我们的新网站很有吸引力。

    3. It's getting about 1000 hits a day. 每天大约有1000次点击。

    4. We have a specific area for on-line customer service. 我们有网络顾客特别服务区。


    1. The E-marketing impacts the traditional marketing a lot. 网上营销对传统营销产生了巨大的冲击。

    2. The E-marketing has widened the place of the marketing a lot. 网上营销很大地拓宽了营销渠道。

    3. I will help to cut down the expenditure of marketing by finding the potential customers on Internet. 在网上找寻潜在客户能大幅度削减营销费用。

    4. You can find customers on Internet more easily and save more time. 互联网上找寻客户省时又省力。

    5. You know, it is the marketing with the help of the internet. 你知道的,它是借助网络进行的营销活动。

    6. It seems that trading on line is very secure, and you needn't worry any more. 看来网上交易还是很安全的,你尽可以放心。

    7. The E-payment has got some particular tools. 网上支付有一些特殊的工具。


    1. I mean you have to conduct a market research with the help of internet. 我的意思是说你得通过互联网做市场调查。

    2. I‘m trying to identify a target market and do the market segmentation first. 我试着确立目标市场,先来做好市场分割。

    3. The identification and classification of the potential customers are the first step to do this market segmentation. 潜在客户的归类划分是市场分割的第一步。

    4. By means of Internet, it is easy to identify and establish a target market for product. 通过互联网,我们很容易确立销售某一产品的目标市场。


    1. Electronic commerce 电子商务

    2. mobile commerce 移动商务

    3. search engine 搜索引擎

    4. intranet 内联网

    5. extranet 外联网


    1.  When will the goods be delivered? 什么时候送货?

    2. Well, we've got rather a backlog of orders at the moment. I should think it'll take some where one and two months. 最近我们积压的订单较多。也许要一两个月才能到货。

    backlog of orders 指积压未交付的订单

    3. Is it possible to give us a little more discount? 能否多给我们一些折扣?

    4. As you've already have our rock-bottom price, we cannot give you any more discount. 我们的报价已经是最低价了,不可能给更多的折扣了。    rock-bottom price 最低价

    5. Then how will you have the products sent? 那么你们将怎样运送商品呢?

    6. We usually send it by sea. 我们通常走海运。

    7. We can deliver the goods within fifteen days upon receipt of your order. 自收到订单之日起15天内交货。

    8. We hope the term of payment is DAP. 我们希望到目的地交货付款。

    DAP- Delivered at Place 目的地交货

    9. Could you tell us your way of payment? 可以跟我们说一下付款方式吗?

    10. Could you make an exception in our case and accept DAP? 你能特例接受目的地交货付款吗?

    11. Do you know the sales volume of trading on line last year? 你知道去年网上交易的销售额是多少吗?



          本文标题:2019-08-05 每日10分钟商务英语口语--学习记录(电子
