

作者: 孤鹰寒鸦 | 来源:发表于2023-12-31 17:04 被阅读0次











There is no pre-existing process orestablished fact prior to our cognitive process or existence. Even if there wasa world that laid the foundation for our emergence before us, our world, theworld we can describe, is still within the scope of our cognitive process.

If there are other observers beyond us,their observations are also encompassed within the collective "us."We, as cognitive subjects, are not established facts but a changing process.

In this sense, assuming a scenario wherethe world itself is an observer, then the world itself is a part of"us." The world's self-awareness also adheres to the principles ofcognition: cognition is a process of isomorphic transformation. Firstly, thereis isomorphic transformation, which is inescapable; the world cognizing itselfis also an isomorphism of itself. Secondly, isomorphic transformation is aprocess, even if the world itself has a one-time emergence of self-awareness,it is a case of a process, a mode.

If the world's self-awareness is a process,then cognition without a subject is also a process. Since it is a process,there will be differences in subjects. That is, the cognition of differentsubjects will differ, even if it is the cognition of the same object bydifferent subjects or the cognition of the same object by the same subject atdifferent points in time, there will be differences, including the one-timeemergence of the world's self-awareness.

If the emergence of the world'sself-awareness occurs a second time, there will be differences. The reason forthis difference is that it is a second time, not the first.

Even in a one-time emergence, the resultsof the emergence will differ when compared to the world's own perceptionbecause the world, as a cognitive subject, and the world as an object arealready two.

This indicates that monism is untenable,and the world is inevitably pluralistic. As long as the world is in action, itis already pluralistic. Not to mention us as parts within the world, we areeven more than one, but many.

Plural processes (plural and alsoprocesses), this is the truth of the world and life.

Therefore, there is no ideal form, onlyreal forms. There is no initial source, nor is there a final result; there isonly inconsistency in the process.

Accepting inconsistency, embracing theprocess, accepting one's own and others' transformations, and even acceptingbetrayal are more truthful and align with the facts of the world than firmlyadhering to a deterministic belief, because it (plural processes) is the truth.


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