Erasmus Grasser-Morris dances-巴伐

Erasmus Grasser-Morris dances-巴伐

作者: 5467lq | 来源:发表于2018-08-02 20:28 被阅读0次



Erasmus Grasser (c. 1450 – c. 1515) was a leading master builder and sculptor[1] in Munich in the early 16th century. 德国雕塑家和木雕师,活跃于慕尼黑。他以一种生动的,富有表现力的晚期哥特式风格工作,是当时在巴伐利亚州南部的主要雕塑家,拥有繁荣的工作室和众多的学生。他最着名的作品是慕尼黑旧市政厅(Stadtmuseum,慕尼黑,1480年)舞厅的十位数(原为十六位)莫里斯舞者。Grasser还是一名建筑师和液压工程师。

He developed in an animated and realistic style, furthering on the works of Nikolaus Gerhaert.

Grasser worked mainly in wood, and is best known for the 16 figures of Moriskentänzer (Moresca dancers, 1480, 10 remaining, the fate of 6 unknown) lining the walls of the great dance and assembly hall of Old Townhall, the oak choir stalls at the Frauenkirche cathedral (1502) and the madonna of the high altar in St Mary (Ramersdorf), all three located in Munich. He also created the high altar at Reichersdorf (1502–1506).

莫里斯舞是一种通常伴随着音乐的英国 民间舞蹈。它基于有节奏的踩踏和由一群舞者执行精心编排的人物,通常在他们的小腿上戴着铃铛。舞者也可以使用棍棒,剑和手帕等器具。在一个或两个人的少量舞蹈中,台阶靠近并穿过一对粘土烟斗管,一对一地铺在地板上。





Morris Dancer (Bridegroom)


Limewood with modern polychrome, height 61,5 cm

Stadtmuseum, Munich

In many German town halls in the 15 century, the great hall or a separate feast room was the site of the important social rituals. The ranks of civic leadership and its attendant privileges, such as the right to dance in the town hall, were often restricted to patricians and wealthy merchants. On completion of its new Rathaus in about 1477, the Munich council converted the largest chamber of their adjoining old building into a feast room. They commissioned Erasmus Grasser to carve sixteen statues of morris dancers, which were spaced around the room at the base of the wooden vault. Each figure exhibits a wildly contorted pose. One, dubbed Bridegroom, stands on one leg while twirling dexterously.

Morris dances, performed at carnivals or as interludes in more formal dances in the fifteenth century, were acrobatic as the men would leap around in comical and often erotic fashion to the sound of drum and flute music.



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