The Office-S04E11

The Office-S04E11

作者: carrie_yu | 来源:发表于2020-06-25 08:35 被阅读0次

    dandruff: small pieces of dead skin in a person's hair. "there was a certain amount of dandruff on the shirt" 头皮屑

    tinfoil 锡纸

    renowned: known or talked about by many people; famous. "a restaurant renowned for its Southwestern-style food"

    crawfordness ???

    livid: furiously angry. "he was livid at being left out"

    run something by (or past): tell (someone) about something, especially in order to ascertain their opinion or reaction.

    go for something/someone: to choose something or someone: Offered the choice between a higher salary and more vacation time, I know which one I'd go for. He can't even count on all the voters who went for him the last time. 

    watch one's (or someone's) back: protect oneself (or someone else) against danger from an unexpected source. "Because the industry is largely unregulated, you need to watch your back"

    field questions: to answer a series of questions, especially from reporters. After her speech, Jane fielded questions from reporters. The president's press agents field questions from the newspaper.

    legitimacy 合法

    commission 佣金 (commissions on something)

    TBD: "to be discussed", "to be done", "to be defined", "to be decided", "to be determined", "to be declared", "to be deleted", “to be denounced”, etc.


    molest: assault or abuse (a person, especially a woman or child) sexually. "he was charged with molesting and taking obscene photographs of a ten-year-old boy" 骚扰

    horniness: a state of sexual arousal

    the old ball and chain: A jocular but disparaging term for a person's spouse or significant other who is thought to stifle the person in some way. Typically said of a wife or girlfriend.We could tell Jimmy was joking when he called his wife the old ball and chain, but I think he does feel a bit like he doesn't get out enough.I'd love to come, but the old ball and chain is insisting we spend Saturday shopping for new furniture.

    catch one's drift: to understand what one is suggesting. I won't tell you his name, but he's someone you know very well, if you catch my drift.

    prerogative 特权

    take someone up on: 1.accept (an offer or challenge) from someone. "I'd like to take you up on that offer" 2. challenge or question a speaker on (a particular point). "the interviewer did not take him up on his quotation"

    right now: present moment 现在

    master key: a key that opens several locks, each of which also has its own key.

    spare key: key etc that you keep in addition to the one you usually use, so that it is available if the one you usually use breaks

    tolkien: 写霍比特人的那个人 tolkien character 是指身材很矮的人

    wizard 男巫

    chicken fingers: an amazing food consisting of fried parts of the chicken that ironically arn't fingers

    weevil 象鼻虫

    bladder infection 尿路感染

    bank teller (often abbreviated to simply teller) is an employee of a bank who deals directly with customers.

    powder room: a women's bathroom in a public building.

    get ahead of oneself. (idiomatic) To focus excessively on one's plans or on prospective future events without paying adequate attention to the present. (idiomatic) To develop an opinion based on insufficient information or to take action prematurely.

    warfare 战争

    elaborate: involving many carefully arranged parts or details; detailed and complicated in design and planning. "elaborate security precautions"

    scramble 乱七八糟的

    scrambled eggs: a dish of eggs prepared by beating them with a little liquid and then cooking and stirring gently. 炒鸡蛋

    scrambled eggs

    whale on: whale on. (slang) To strike an opponent heavily and repeatedly in a fight. (slang) To beat heavily on anything. "Those girls really whaled on you bad"

    Tap/ Wiretap/wire 竊聽器

    bug/ tap / eavesdrop 竊聽

    snitch 告密者

    Let’s hear it for Tort.” (Please cheer and applaud Tort.)

     "Let's hear it for..." can be used to urge others to show approval or appreciation or praise for people, places and things

    cleaning people 清洁工



          本文标题:The Office-S04E11
