

作者: 叶唯 | 来源:发表于2021-12-11 17:42 被阅读0次


I remember that day when I returned to Paradise…

…the island of my family.

Since I received the message of my mother's death…

…the blurred childhood memories started to become more clear.

From the first glimpse of the island…

…I could still feel my mother's presence.

It's hard to forget someone who gave so much to remember.

The First Plague

Water turns into Blood

april22. 1796

my dear son Jakob

I'm sorry to inform you that

your mother passed away.

please return to paradise,

we need you here.

your father.

Good to see your Grandson. I'm sorry about your mother.

It's been a while brother.

My dear son.Please, I'm thirsty.

What happened to my mother?

Paradise has been suffering since your mother died.

She prayed for your return.Please help us son.

Bring my memories to the lake…

…and the lake will stop bleeding.

Please take our sacrifice and enlighten us!

The Second Plague


Good to feel your presence again, brother.

Jakob Jakob, my first born…

The Third Plague

Gnats and Lice

Lice are not welcome here.

My blood sugar level is very low today.

The Fourth Plague


Fear didn't make me blind.

Go find your brother.

the glorious day of the lake will come

one will find death

the other enlightenment


the chosen one

the elixir of life and death

flower hair copper fire heart wood cloth

the extraction of the memories

the hungry ghost

balance the substance of your past lives

our memories belong to the lake

the chosen one

I need her memories, I need to…find…

One day you will learn the true nature of sacrifice.

The Fifth Plague

Diseased livestock

I want my burger.

My son is always hungry.

I've still got a headache.

I don't trust the meat today, our cattle has been sick.

The Sixth Plague


The smell of death is in the air.

Paradise would not exist without great sacrifices.

The Seventh Plague


It is pretty cold in Paradise.

You are ready to meet your destiny.

Don't! Take me instead.

The Eighth Plague


There was a man, he is my dad.

There was a man, the only brother I had.

There was a man, no hat does he wear.

There was a man, in the middle, stood there.

There was a man, all skin and bones.

There was a man, no hairs under his nose.

There was a man, he stands to my right.

There was a man, his hair is grey at first light.

There was a man, who is really quite fat.

There was a man, feathers perched on his hat.

There was a man, had a clock for his heart.

There was a man, the last man and the man from the start.

The owls are not what they seem.

Eyes blinded by the fog cannot see the truth.

My memories are the key to your future.

You have to leave.

The Ninth Plague


Son be prepared.

The glorious day of the lake is coming.

the sun shall be turned to darkness and the moon to blood, before the day of the lake comes, the great and magnificent day.

The Tenth Plague

Death of the Firstborn

We celebrate the day of the lake tonight, be ready.

I hope I am not the one that dies tonight.

Tonight the lake will show her true self to us, be ready.

I have withheld the last memory, the last element of the elixir.

My memories are the key not only to the past, but also to the future.

It's time.

You are ready to meet your destiny.

Our time has come, paradise will rise again.


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