Lolita讲一个继父和女儿的情爱故事。继父是个温文尔雅声音性感的大学教授,女儿叫Lolita,只有12岁,非常早熟,相当轻狂。她对自己的评价是”I am absolutely filthy in thought, word and deed.”Lo的妈妈是个寡妇,喜欢教授,结果发现教授和她再婚是为了离她女儿近一点,还在日记里写她the fat cow, the obnoxious mamma。但是很不幸刚发现真相她就出车祸死了,继父名正言顺得到了女儿,开始了一场冒险。
If my happiness could have talked, it would have filled that genteel hotel with a deafening roar.
I did everything in my power to give my Lolita a really good time.
With patience and luck I might have her produce eventually a nymphet with my blood in her exquisite veins, a Lolita the Second.
I loved her. It was love at first sight, at last sight, at ever and ever sight.
I would go mad with tenderness at the mere sight of your dear wan face, at the mere sound of your raucous young voice, my Lolita.
故事的最后Humbert杀死了另一个娈童癖,那个娈童癖是另一个他,他杀死了自己。杀完人的Humburt把车开进了雨里。“And presently I was driving through the drizzle of the dying day, with the windshield wipers in full action but unable to cope with my tears.”他那么痛苦,作为一个中年男人还有一点帅气,声音好听,我都差点被他感动,想要原谅他。
作者在后记中写到:文学老师经常会问诸如“What is the author’s purpose?”“What is the guy trying to say?”的问题,作为作者,他的回应是“I happen to be the kind of author who is starting to work on a book has no other purpose than to get rid of that book. ”他只想尽快写完书。